The unbearable lightness of ageing

Ageing is a gift, according to Jane Caro.

In this funny, insightful and at times challenging TEDx talk she encourages us all to embrace ageing.



Old age is certainly popular and here to stay, if you are fortunate enough to attain it.

So yes, embrace it, their aint nothing yet to replace it.

I don't much like the alternative!

Yes thats what I tell people when they said old age has got nothing going for it -- I say there are MANY that do not get the chance.

Yes Yes to all the above.

THIS woman is an idiot.

Hi Alexa, I disagree with her even though she is funny. While I may be getting older, I refuse to age gracefully. I'm 65, a uni student, happily married, slim, don't look my age, have long hair and love exercise and healthy food. Oh, my breasts did hurt when I hit menopause. I enjoy flattering comments. And I love bio-identical hormones. And I am older than her, but both our attitudes are better by far! Cheers, Barb 

She looks terrible for 57

so her excuse for being fat is she can’t give a crap anymore 


Hi Kanga and everyone else.

At 57 I felt and looked 30 and also felt great, not like this woman desribes at all, but I guess we are all different.

However I think she tries to be funy using a topic that makes me feel (and most women) diminished or humiliated by being a female, something that I detest seeing in any stupid comedian male or female, unfuny comments, as the commonplace and stereotyped ideas of the pass are passed, not todays funnies

Getting old is a naturalk proccess of life, if we are lucky enough to reach that dimension and in my opinion it brings with it a marurity and freedom that we don' have as youngsters because we lack the life experiences and resources that we get as the years go by.

As an older person I am happy with my life and only wish for better limbs, I deeply enjoy the fact that my working life is over and I can do whatever I want from day to day within my limitations.

We can all be happyh (I think) with our life if we know our limits and accept them and live within our means, something we can learn to do even if not easy, but that is why we are now mature enough to do it!

I wish you all a happy, happy, contented and healthy life for a long time to come, please enjoy what you can.


Of course you must "embrace" ageing. It's a great phenomenon of nature as long as you enjoy what you're doing, don't gossip, eat well, have sex as often as you can with a loving partner. If you can't have sex, join a gym and work it off!!!!

Oh and make it a rule not to reply to sh***y comments. Have  fun and enjoy what the good Lord gave you.

As someone well past this lady's age I find it sad that she looks to the downside of her lost youth with such venom.  Certainly nature has loaded up women's lot with trials, notably surrounding the ability to conceive and bear children, but the rewards of motherhood and femininity are areas that the masculine gender can never enjoy.  Listening to her diatribe and sadly ill-founded attempts at humour I can only feel that she is less than happy to grow old but rather, is imagining that her failure to enjoy life thus far is likely to change.  My own experience is tantamount to the cliché, 'it's a great life if you don't weaken', and that: at any age.  Embrace all of life, every stage is great and the battle to stay young or at least active in old age, is a huge part of the fun.


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