The throw away society

I am so sick of this throw away society. I have at the moment 4 mobile phones that are no longer any good because they were CDMA and have now gone to Next G--I have 3 video recorders that are not worth fixing because it is cheaper to buy a new one. Now I have had to buy a new Audio receiver--(mine still is great and works fine) and cost a small fortune 10 years ago--but because the speakers (1982) no longer work and I am unable to buy any that will work on this receiver--I have now had to but a new one with speakers to match--at great cost. They talk of global warming--I think it is about time that they made things to last. It just seems an awful waste to me.

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I had my last 2 washing machines for 18 years--this one is still going--a friend has a fridge that his Father had in the 40s and it is still going

Just a word of warning when replacing electrical items. Beware of CASHBACK it can be a wrought and usually is. Its been banned in South Australia since 2006 but still operating in parts of Australia including WA. Cashback is a company currently in financial trouble so dont fall for it, it makes its money on your mistakes when trying to recover your cashback.

Its been banned in South Australia since 2006

It must be a different set up because I always thought the manufacturer gave the rebate, like when I had my Fujitsu ducted A/C installed and eventually got a Visa card with $500 on it.

I looked into it when I was going to buy a laptop and found many flaws but I have had comments from people that actually got the full amount back, but ask yourself the question why would a anufacturer want to charge an extra $200 if it was only to give you it back. The costs involved in that alone doesnt make sense. People make mistakes when they apply for thr cashback and thats how they make extra money. Google cashback and read all about it. You were lucky.

I have to agree with you westozzy.....I bought a computer and a printer in separate "cash back" deals. I got my money on the printer, but no amount of complaint, phone calls, emails or letters could produce the money on the computer.

I guess the reason they do it --is that the hope that folks won't be bothered--I did get my $50 cash back when I bought my Canon printer

Just a word of warning when replacing electrical items. Beware of CASHBACK it can be a wrought and usually is. Its been banned in South Australia since 2006 but still operating in parts of Australia including WA. Cashback is a company currently in financial trouble so dont fall for it, it makes its money on your mistakes when trying to recover your cashback.

I live in S A and am not aware that it has been banned here ..........We may be talking about different things also because if you read the definition as described by Wikipedia you will see that it applies as a marketing tool


Its used as an inducement that allows the Manufacturer to give a discount to a prospective customer and seems to have noting to do with a firm named Cashback

I had my last 2 washing machines for 18 years--this one is still going--a friend has a fridge that his Father had in the 40s and it is still going

In the 40's we didn't have a fridge, we had a meat safe which hung under a tree to catch the breeze but we did move up soon after to an ice chest. The ice man would deliver a block of ice weekly I think - I was just a kid then.

In the 40’s we didn’t have a fridge, we had a meat safe which hung under a tree to catch the breeze but we did move up soon after to an ice chest. The ice man would deliver a block of ice weekly I think - I was just a kid then.


Never has a meat safe but I know many that did--we too had an ice chest--till 1951--the ice man used to just walk in and put it in the ice box--never needed top lock a door in those days--I was also a kid then

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