The superfood that isn’t so super

Have you been guilty of purchasing Himalayan pink salt because you think it is better for you? The truth has come out and not only is it not better for you, it is also not even from the Himalayas.

Most of that comes from the enormous Khewra Salt Mine, situated between Islamabad and Lahore in Punjab, a bit south of the actual Himalayas in Pakistan. 

Pink salt does include more nutrients (potassium and calcium) than normal table salt, but the amounts are so miniscule as to make barely any difference.

Read the full story on Himalayan pink salt in The Atlantic.


Good to know.

Q ... Have you been guilty of purchasing Himalayan pink salt because you think it is better for you?

A ... Yes - and no.  I've bought it but not because I thought it was better for me.  I just wanted to try it, or maybe I just like pink - LOL. 

Anyway I couldn't see any difference so went back to the boring old white stuff.

I saw a bloke selling it at the markets some time ago and he went on with the greatest amount of BS  -- I was waiting on a Friend so let him go and then told him he was full of it

Yes I knew about this, there is no way any salt is a superfood, you can get enough of your salt requirements by eating vegies especially celery. I use very little salt and make sure it is Australian and not from the sea, most sea salt is polluted these days. Avoid salt with additives, that will give your liver a hard time.

Most Australian salt does come from the sea and up near the Kimberley region, which has very little pollution to my knowledge - correct me if I am wrong. It is important that it does come from the sea as the sea contains many trace elements such as iodine which is lacking from the land and hence our agricultural produce.

While I do not use much salt, it is after all added to so many products such as cheese, butter, bread peanut butter etc. it is possible that total elimination may mean that we are getting insufficient iodine which was a major problem in Tasmania (goiters, thyroid problems) before iodine was added to table salt. I have no news or information on this, but I am curious, if anyone knows of any recent research.

I heard of some Australian salt coming from the inland lakes too. But I am interested too where the sea salt comes from but if you think of the amount of plastics in the ocean it must be in the salt too in micro sizes.

You can get iodine from sea vegetables or seaweed, but again needs to be from a clean source. Most people are having health problems from too much fat which is in all dairy products. I have not heard of the Tassie problems do you have a link for that story?

I am reading an interesting book by Anthony william called Liver Rescue, fascinating reading about health. He mentioned the celery and some vegetables have enough salt. 

There is no such thing as a 'superfood'. The term is a marketing ploy and nothing more. It has no meaning or function other than to sell more of expensive products that can be out-ranked by far cheaper everyday foods in the nutrition stakes.

And if anyone actually wants pink salt, what's wrong with our own Murray River pink salt.


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