The kitchen trick you need to know now

a basket of onions on a wooden table

Most of us hate cutting onions. I was hoping to find a way to show you how to cut onions without crying (crying when cutting onions, I mean, not the me trying to find an article without crying) but there are so many differing opinions on the best way to do it that it just became a bit of a joke really. I'll tell you my way, which works 90 per cent of the time, but I can't guarantee that it won't get you all teary (the cutting onions bit, not me telling you how to do it).

I simply cut off the top of the onion almost all the way through. I then lift the top like a flap or a lid, and pull down towards the root of the onion. That removes the skin and leaves the root in tact – that's the part of the onion that makes you cry. Now, cut or slice from the top end and cut the root end last, then leave that little root bit for the bin. Minimal tears, minimal fuss, minimal waste.

Something I did find in my hunt for the perfect way to cut onions without crying was this fantastic video. I was so impressed by the simplicity and the ingenuity of using an object quite clearly not meant for the kitchen, which, in the end, couldn't be more suited to being used for this very purpose. Anyway, I'm rambling. Here's the video...

Do you know of any other ingenious kitchen tips which use something not meant for the kitchen? Why not share them?


I find if I wear glasses it stops the onion problem ... make sure you wash hands thoroughly after you finished cutting.

If you have to use that to cut up your vegetables you would be better off getting meals on wheels.

Cut the top bit off..   zap in microwave for about 20 secs then cut.

try chopping them under water

just had a look at the video using the stainless steel hair clip to assist with cutting different vegetables ... will definitely give it a try when I c rustle up one of those clips :)

I keep my onions in the fridge, you will never cry again. 

Me too, and never have a problem

bet your fridge stinks 

no ?

Thermielover have you got a Thermomix?


I read about a recall for Thermomix ... some people getting severely burnt ? .... faulty seals



Once I cut my onion open, I put the remainder in an onion storer in the fridge which stops any odour.

Only costs a few dollars.

sit at kitchen table when you cut onions.  less easy for onion fumes to reach your nose.


She was only a fruiter's daughter but she really knew her onions.

It is the fumes from the acid that makes your eye weep. Wash the peeled onion in cold water and chop quickly then wash your hands and tools.


If you become desperate to have cut onions without the tears you can buy them from Coles or Woolworths frozen food section, and they have already been sliced and diced.



Like Mamma22 ... I keep my onions in a twisted supermarket bag in the fridge ... no stink, no tears. Works great for me.

:) Campbell ... she was only a fruiterers's daughter ... love it.

Researchers in New Zealand have recently created a “tear-free” onion. 

Basically, they genetically engineered a new type of onion that handicaps the lachrymatory enzyme, so the syn-propanethial-S-oxide never gets created in large quantities. 

Thus, reducing the “tear” effect caused by the cutting onions.

Be interesting to see what they taste like and if they have similar nutritional value.


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