Thanks Guy's

Many thanks to those supporting my comments; briefly, I'm an ex matelot [hence the namesoapy} RN of twelve years standing back in the 50s & 60s that was when you were'nt afraid to tell an officer where to shove his ring's without fear of hanging or political correctness, I'm no different today and have already had words of great wisdom twice to the clown previously mentioned, henceforth I see no reason through your support to respond any further to him/her/them. Once again thank you people, I shall be making further comments on the shamefull way government's treat all of our war vets, seniors and pensioners in the hope that someone will come up with a great idea to put the fear of Christ up them if they don't do something to genuinly support us, like you have supported me.


G'day Soapy. Pardon my ignorance but what is a 'matelot'?

For those who are not familiar with the term Matelot it is french for sailor that has been in use for approx 150 years and is a very common expression for a Jack Tar {sailor} the reason for that nick name was in the 1800s sailor's used to tar their their hair backwards much the same as a pony tail today, also whilst on the subject, the RN was supplied by a Factory called Watson hence all watson's are nick named Soapy. I hope this claryfies things for you.By the way both parties have contributed a few positive actions but that doesn't make them as pure as the driven snow, and having been a labour supporter except for a couple times and voting for neither at those times just to put the record straight, it's real easy easy to make your own assumption's when your not aware of all the facts. Regards Soapy11


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