Talk Back Radio - Discuss the future burden of Baby Boomers on the economy.

Baby Boomers tend to get some negative comments on some talk back radio stations when discussing the future of the economy. I listened to such a discussion on the ABC 702 to the fear expressed by a gen X & Y last night.
This discussion topic posed the problem of all the following generations having to bear the burden of old baby boomers extended life expectancy.
Comments were made to the effect of the next generation not being able to retire as baby boomers have - Their pensions and superannuation will be danger not like baby boomers who complain if they don't get a good deal from the government. Baby boomers seemed to be portrayed as self seeking and a future burden that the next generation would like to disappear.
I was disturbed at the negative bias to this discussion against baby boomers.
Nothing positive was said. No mention of any good things such how many of us have paid for university education of their children if they could. Lent money in time of need or baby sat willingly when asked. Nothing was said about how many have worked and paid into super funds to support themselves. Nothing was said about the fact that baby boomers also care for their elderly parents and mentor future generations in the work place. Many baby boomers are still actively volunteering in the community or working casually or part time.
Why are Baby Boomers receiving such negativity from younger generations?
Jo B


I guess it is because the younger generation are mostly a me generation and care nothing about anyone but themselves

They also fail to acknowledge that without the baby-boomers preoccupation with matters procreational, these Gen X & Y dills would not even be here. They were nurtured, raised, educated and often financially subsidised well into adulthood bu their "baby boomer" parents. It is we, the older generation" who worked and paid taxes all our lives to make this country what it is today.

My father took his holidays every year for my entire life traveling about 100klms to a cheap seaside resort so that the family could fish, swim and have a good break. To my knowledge, he never traveled outside of NSW. I, on the other hand, have travelled fairly extensively around Australasia. My kids have also traveled and live in a home worth about three times the value of my own. I believe it is lifes progression, we all like to see our kids do better than we did in life.

The current "ME" generations are self-centred and selfish and dont even understand the sacrifices their parents made to give them a better life.

We are a convenient soft target. Sure there are forums such as this where a few of us try to correct their misconceptions but we make little ground (as PlanB so eloquently put it) on these 'self obsessed' bastards.

However there are an awful lot of their ilk simply sitting back and taking a handout. In fact there are generations of them who have never worked and who now have kids who have chosen to exist on the dole.

Perhaps they should be treated as all spoilt children should be, slapped and stood in the corner until common sense prevails.

IMO so many of the X and Y generation have become so bloody spoilt and not been made to stand on their own two feet--and so have grown up with the "world owes them a living" attitude. They are soft and mostly useless and unable to try and take care or support themselves and as soon as things become a bit tough they just give up.

I have a friend that has employed quite a few as apprentices and as soon as they find the job a bit hard they just don't turn up or because they have been given an order on how to do something they sulk and next thing they are on the streets or at the beach surfing, taking drugs and drinking. Of course by this time it is too bloody late to pull them into line as the parents have no rights and neither do the police. It is a shame but my friend has given up employing them as he has been let down so often.

I think that we, (us boomers) saw the best of this century; full employment, affordable housing, change for the good in many fields, often brought about by our generation.

This could tend to inspire a little envy among the young'ns, seeing people our age with all the toys while they have $2-300,000 mortgages around their necks.

We all know people like ourselves with the nice house, two cars, investment property, maybe a boat or regular overseas holidays while the younger couple next door struggle just to keep the kids properly dressed.

They can't pick and choose their jobs like we could, many learned about debt just going through university and a lot of jobs for semi-skilled people have gone overseas. I mean, they can't all be rocket scientists.

Sometimes I feel as though they are a different species when I think what we were like in our thirties. Different values, rampant materialism, but we've brought them up so we have to live with our creations.

Sometimes I feel as though they are a different species when I think what we were like in our thirties. Different values, rampant materialism, but we've brought them up so we have to live with our creations.

I would like to have put a bolt in the neck of a couple of mine.........

I would like to have put a bolt in the neck of a couple of mine.........

Live long enough to spend their inheritance should even the score Kfchugo.

Great idea Tanwin...... I am certainly not depriving myself (or my wife) to conserve funds. We enjoy life and dont lose sleep over "inheritance" issues



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