Superannuation Funds - worth investing in or not?

I would like to start a discussion on the best methods of self funded superannuation.

I just received my annual statement from a superfund that claimed to be award winning.

I understand that I need to choose what I need to invest in, be it property, international shares, domestic shares, cash etc. So naturally one diversifies.

And there sits my statement for 2016. Negative! 

My son has been playing with a few thousand dollars on the stock exchange and has done better than my financial super investors.

My bank can offer more than than the puny 1.95% cash investment the super fund returned on the cash portion of my superannuation.

How does the property portion investment only return only 8% when there has been a massive percentage increase in the Australian property market in the last 12 months?

What is going on? This super fund is one of the big guys with a claim to be receiving awards for their high achievement. 

Maybe Malcolm Turnbull is doing us a favour by forcing us to take care of our own money. He certainly isn't going to have anything to tax this year. Why he is bothering with the changes to legislation.

I wonder how everyone else's superfunds are going? I feel as though its time to pull out bulk amounts and take care of my own money. Does anyone have any comment? 


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