
I wasted a half hour this morning watching Sunrise on channel 7, which seems to be compered by folk with egos out of control, who constantly all talk together while a couple of women (blondes) giggle at almost everything.

It was one long commercial interrupted half hourly by the same news bulletin, slightly re-written, super-quick interviews that rarely scratched the surface to make time for the compere's own opinions.

I think I would sooner shove red hot needles under my fingernails than watch this tripe again. Why would anyone buy an expensive plasma TV to watch this rubbish?


Yes I feel the same way--never bother with morning TV---and the info mercials--are over the top--a waste of time--

Most morning TV is hardly worth watching - they are there to amuse themselves. Their ego's are amazing! And as for the blonde's - the bald bloke is just as bad - he finds himself just as amusing.

I haven't watched morning tele for years. We turn the tele on at 5pm and I watch news etc. until 7pm. I then disappear to my computer room and listen to 3AW. So much rubbish on television.


I like 3a.w. but Friday and Saturday nights are not very good and to be honest I am not wrapped in a whole night of Remember When on Sunday nights and sick of some of the ramblings of Bruce and Phil. albeit I like many of the callers especially Queenie and Farouk and Margaret oh Margaret SO interesting and funny but nice and many others Broady. Bob. etc.

I can only get 3aw via the internet. but am glad at least I can do this.


I woke earlier, when my little Jack Russell terrier nudged me with his icey cold nose and demanded "I must to go outside", and watched the US version of morning TV.

Hooley Dooley, I can see now where they get the idea for this tripe from. All ego driven fighting to have their drivel heard above another boofhead's opinion. The bald boofhead? Now I normally feel at home with bald blokes LOL But its another reason I dont watch that competition between choirs, which might be good, but when he smarms across my screen I feel like throwing a house-brick at it.

I am watching more of Channel 2 and SBS lately to avoid this telejunk.

You old fuddy-duddies just dont fit the "demographic". These shows are produced to pander to working people, school kids etc.......they deliberately have short segments so that people can watch while gulping down some coffee and toast. The short segments (including abbreviated news) are designed so that anyone on a time-table wont get too involved and wind up running late. If you are one of these "on the run" type people, the shows are actually quite good........on the other hand, if you have the time (and inclination) to watch the whole show, you have time to notice the repetition, vacuous presenters and inane content.

Every time I take the time to sit down and watch one of those breakfast programs I find they all seem to be promoting their evening shows. That ultra boring ('cause I hate soapies) "Home and Away" always seems to get a mention every time I watch Channel 7. Not really a TV watcher though I'll miss a wee bit of sleep now that the Tour de France is on - love the scenery.


Can't seem to be able to upload small images anymore. Let's see if it works this time.

This is what every woman fears ... should be a wee image with a woman's frock unknowingly stuck in her knickers ... lol

I still can not get the Avatar system to work either Hughie...........lets see if this image works


Nope it did not ...........dash it ............


Hooley Dooley, I can see now where they get the idea for this tripe from. All ego driven fighting to have their drivel heard above another boofhead's opinion. The bald boofhead? Now I normally feel at home with bald blokes LOL But its another reason I dont watch that competition between choirs, which might be good, but when he smarms across my screen I feel like throwing a house-brick at it.


I do not mind David Koch and would like to think I have a bit of respect for him as I think he has a job to do and what he does is expected of him. I do agree a lot of in-talking but many lonely people find Melissa Doyle and David Koch good company...........Good we all have a choice whether to switch on and whether to change the chanel thank goodness.



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