Suggestion for pensioners website and chat forum

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Count me in Gerry ..........clay

Thank you Gerry! Sounds good!

All the best


Yes please count me in as well

I'm in too. As for suggestions:

I would like to see a segment on the site dedicated to uniting seniors with the aim of lobbying governments, local, state and federal. Maybe one topic per week.

A swap shop maybe

Help Wanted - anything from handy hints to assistance with lawn mowing

Fitness segment - e.g. exercises to prevent falls

Living on a budget - recipes, hints etc. to be submitted by members.

This is a great service being offered by Gerry, so we need to assist wherever we can and not overload him with too much work. After all, like the majority of us on this site, we are all retired. So Gerry, please let us know if there is any assistance we can give you, ie the format for any submissions if that would save time on your part.

So you all approve a site that is in competition with this one.

What is wrong with his site?

I thought all the items you are talking about with exception of a ,Retiree's political arm, are readily available here.

Have you all thought of putting your ideas to the administration of this site for their opinion and discussion?

I would have thought that it would be good manners to do as you are using their site to get your message across.

You are right u3a it is actually not allowed and bad manners to advertise another site in competition to the one we are privledged to be allowed to use. The only problem here is I do not know how many others have expressed the concern that like me cannot ever get any replys to any messages given to the Admins. especially when asked can they help getting our

members back who are now unable to log on and other things such as smileys etc

which help when expressing what we are feeling over and above typing fingers :)

What Gerry proposed I thought was a website giving us places to send e-mails and lobby

to get messages across and not actually another chat room as there are so many Seniors

places around already. Somewhere members can join together to try and get some representation for our concerns other than just a chat place where that is what is done

er "chat about doing something and winge about what is not being done".

i.e. an "Action" place is what I personally would like..

All the best


Dear Gerry O, Phyl, u3a, Jade, Plan B and Clay

Thanks for the interchange on forums and what they can and should offer.

We do believe we have been offering free of charge much of what is being suggested:

living on a budget

Your questions answered (we answer approximately 30 per week)

Ongoing pressure on the government to improve conditions for seniors and pensioner

recipes, free crosswords, deals and discounts

and lots of prizes.

Should you not feel this is sufficient, then of course, it would be a good idea to set up another site.

But we can't but help agree with u3a that it is rather lacking in manners to do this on our Meeting Place - something akin to going to your friend's house for dinner and inviting his guests back to your place before the meal is served?

So please continue to enjoy this forum as long as it suits your purposes - but if you wish to actively promote other sites, perhaps there are more appropriate ways of doing this?



Thank you for your comments Kaye ..........Your web site in itself is very informative and from my point of view very well run ............I look forward to receiving your newsletters in particular...........I have however been continually frustrated by aspect s of the Meeting Place and I have not received any direct answers to the issues that I have raised

I do acknowledge that you have proceded to fix the problems as I have seen them but all without any communication to this effect ............This then has added to my frustration ..............I will want to call intio the Meeting Place often and can only hope that matters of concern will settle down and we can all get on with our enjoyment .............clay

I agree with Clay, and although I enjoy this site and find it very informative, the personal communication leaves something to be desired. I sent an email to this site requesting the possibility of getting a petition onto the site, which we could all "sign" and received no response. Also, one of the posters suggested we all email our local politician and admin advised through the newsletter that they thought this was a good idea and suggested October 1st for a mass sending of emails, and that they would email all members as a reminder. It didn't happen.

I don't believe the proposed site is in opposition to this one, as I see it more as a specific site for lobbying the governments, rather than a general seniors website.

I can't believe what I am reading. Somebody, other than myself, suggested that we should get together & I was derided etc. Kaye, etc has operated a site that a few seniors participate in & everybody whinges on together. Now you even want to split the whinging!!!! No wonder that KRudd is terrified of us. Ha Ha. I presume that 1200 of you are putting in 1 cent each instead of leaving all the cost to Gerry.

This is the best seniors site I have seen actually - it has problems but that is because it is on a bad build. The other seniors sites I have visited so far have been not even as lively as this one.


I just wish I could get on with Firefox and dont understand why not. But is is a bit faster than it was. I miss smiley's too.



I think the main reason that you were "derided", as you put it, was your inability, or maybe it was downright refusal, to answer any fundamental questions put to you. Instead of a simple answer you replied with long winded posts that said absolutely nothing of any consequence.

Maybe you should try later again when you have got your act together.


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