Suffer the little children

Australian schoolchildren are being terrified by climate change lessons

PRIMARY school children are being terrified by lessons claiming climate change will bring "death, injury and destruction" to the world unless they take action.

On the eve of Prime Minister Julia Gillard's carbon tax package announcement, psychologists and scientists said the lessons were alarmist, created unneeded anxiety among school children and endangered their mental health.

Climate change as a "Doomsday scenario" is being taught in classrooms across Australia.

Resource material produced by the Gillard government for primary school teachers and students states climate change will cause "devastating disasters".

Australian National University's Centre for the Public Awareness of Science director Dr Sue Stocklmayer said climate change had been portrayed as "Doomsday scenarios with no way out".

As many school teachers would agree, activists - be they religious fundamentalists or 'progressive' (usually Fabian) activists - are forever trying to capture the minds of the young and have been very successful in changing schools curriculums to suit their agendas of social change. Most newby 'school' parents would be surprised for instance, at the stereotyping of boys in (say) the Queensland Department of Education curriculum as violent  molesters of girls, who are to be re-educated and controlled to prevent them from realising their assumed genetic and cultural predisposition towards violence and anti-social behaviour.  Even at micro level in the schoolyard, teachers informed by (pro)feminist discourses marginalise boys through banning 'violent' games like Red Rover (an innocent chasing game, played by boys and girls) and giving lesser support to 'boy' sports like football or cricket, in favour of singing and school bands.

It is time we as parents, grandparents and concerned members of the community called "Enough", because so many of these ratbag 'progressive' ideologies are causing harm to children.  Here is an example from the papers today where tiny tots in primary schools are living in dread because educationalists have gone overboard on the prospect of environmental disasters.  No wonder there is so much self-harm by school children and suicide in secondary school students is rife.

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School is always a good place to start their "Brian washing" as are Universities

Just goes to show how selfish and callous these elites really are. All to gain political advantage.

What really galls is that the mongrels who are responsible for these policies are so often swinging from the government teat in some way or another and are protecting their own interests first and foremost.
If there are to be cuts in expenditure, trim their sails first.
A pox on them I say.

You are so right Plan B, what better place to start the 'brain washing' than in the schools, I am not against teaching about conservation and pollution but to tell them that if they don't act now all will be lost is just not on.

In the past, I've posted on this very topic....that is.... how the young are taught the cult of MMGW. It is not a recent phenomenon. I saw an article a few years ago, which described how children were being treated for anxiety and depression as a result of these teachings about Global Warming.
It is one part of the reason that the Greens' vote has grown. guess who want to change the voting age to 16.
I see the word 'brainwashing' mentioned. Where/when did we first hear the term? Communism. I feel very sad at what is happening to this great country.

This is appaling,but I do remember whilst at school hearing that the world will end on a certain day and being scared and when my children were in school similar scenarios were voiced ,surely children voice these concerns when they go home .Surely parents reasure their children and explain. I agree that this should not happen in schools at all and think parents should be protesting very loudly being instilled in them on as all children deserve to live a peaceful childhood and to live without fear .I just questioned my 7 year old grandaughter and asked "If she learned about climate change at school" The answer was no ,so maybe it is an isolated event as It Is not being taught to grade ones here in the public system as far as i can tell.wobbly

During the Cold War of the Sixties, Oz children were relatively safe from propaganda at school, but in the US they were targets of government propaganda. Nevertheless there were reports of increases in anxiety and depression in Australian schoolchildren at the time and the problem was sourced as coming from sensationalised reports on the Box. Nasty stuff shown during child/family viewing hours.

Much worse when the adults children trust such as teachers inform them of immiment, unavoidable calamity that will destroy their world.

Wobbly, apparently this is not an isolated case, we had a couple of our grandies over today and as it happened I had not long read this post, after all our hello's etc I went to put some wood on the fire, 7yo Grandie asked if we had cut the trees down for the wood, I told him no we hadn't, our daughter (probably pre empting my reaction) told him they were limbs that had fallen to the ground, his reply (a smart kid this one) that the pieces looked too big for a limb, he then went on to explain how everything was dying, the bees the frogs and on and on, I was a very good Nanna and didn't say anything to him, daughter distracted him to another room, we (daughter and I ) later had a discussion about it and I brought up this post, she said it was right and that they were teaching that in the school, I asked her if it worried her and her reply was, Nah, when we were at school they tried to tell us the Russians were coming and that didn't happen.
BTW the school he is attending is not a public school so the lesson is obviously right through all schools.

Teachers should be teaching the basics not brainwashing our children towards their own political bias. Friends of mine complained to the school when their son, aged 8, came home one day and informed them, unsolicited, that the stimulus package was a great thing for the government to do, and people should stop criticising their new assembly hall. The schools response was that the children were getting misinformation from their parents and the school was just "correcting" it. No wonder the teachers don't want us looking too closely at their ability to actually teach.

Older children should learn the science of volcanos, cyclones & climate change as they are interested in these topics.
But it should never be taught in a political manner nor should it be presented as a doomsday scenario.

There seems to be an agenda in this post against teachers
and what their teaching to the children.Spend one day in
a classroom with a teacher and you will discover they have
so many subjects to cover than even only 10 yrs ago.

What is wrong with children having R.E ? Some complain it\
should cover other religions apart from Christianity,
After all this is supposed to be a Christian country, in some
countries you are killed for being a Christian, let alone teach
it in their schools.Here non Christians' can at least have their
own school..Why not ask if you can sit in on a RE. lesson
and find out what is being taught instead of taking the word
of some with their own agenda.
Did you have Rel. Ed. at school? was it harmful?
Were you brainwashed? You have always had freedom of choice,
Why not the children, if they do not learn they cannot choose
when older. In most families today it is in a post Christian state,
As a result take a look around, It is do what you want to,
to hell with anyone else.
Bye the way, You cannot be born a Christian, It comes by teaching,
then Revelation followed by a decision or choice.

Thats realy interesting Deanna,Maybe Tasmanian schools are as far behind the mainland in their curriculum as the rest of Tassie is in most things ,I had a giggle at your daughters comment re the russians coming as I remember that one too well.Wobbly


I have no interest in trashing Christianity, nor teachers. Much good is done, particuarly for the elderly and infirm, by churches. Regarding teachers, they are usually not to blame, the policies, attitudes and behaviour roll down from the top. The Education department decides the policy and the school principals set the tone of a school.

It would be grossly unfair and wrong to label most Christian churches as fundamentalist, but there are the envagelicals who are a bother.

In primary I would offer philosophy before RE, because it teaches children how to think. Given the inactivity of modern children, sport should be preferred to both.

In secondary school there should be study of all significant religions, but done within English literature and history. Equally French, German and Latin ought always be offered as language courses. All of these enrich one's understanding and enjoyment of literature and art generally. Imagine missing out on biblical allusions in literature and life? However I am talking about biblical literacy not instruction.

We have the ratbaggery where European languages are not taught at all in some State schools 'just because' and that stymies students who want to pursue both science and humanities courses later. To take an example, what multiculturalist lunacy determined that a primary school only offers Japanese language, while its sister secondary school pushes Chinese?

Nautilus, During the ' Kennett" era his theme was to demonise teachers,
nurses, and public servants before the sackings began, Teachers were being
put down on radio about how short a day they worked plus long holidays.
I agree with your summary of the Ed. Dept,deciding the policy and Principles
do set the tone. That also covers R>E. with a set policy of not evangelising,
Regarding teaching philosophy instead of R.E. I would have thought that phylosophy
in RE was to inform and teach students to think for themselves and to make a choice.

When you separate phylosophy from other forms of teaching aren't you overlooking
that the prime objective of primary, secondary, school is the philosophy for them
to think,comprehend, and work through problems preparing them for tertiary education.

Just one other point on R.E. especially in primary school is that few people understand
is the amount of fear and suffering children go through with family breakups, that the R.E.
teacher becomes their confidante where they can express their fears.
This also carries on into High schools.

We took our children out of the public system early, but not early enough especially for the eldest, a boy. Over the past couple of decades male teachers have become a scarce commodity in the State system, which has become well-known for its distaste for the traditional values of Australian culture, and stereotypes both boys and girls in ways that were unimaginable not so long ago. Boys (and masculinity)= bad. Girls=good, but not those girls who think that children and family are OK, for they are misled and stupid. Girls who pursue career for life are very OK, 'progressive'. Girls who contemplate transitions in their life through work, raising family and possibly back to a flexible work pattern to retain the quality of life they prefer from family=NOT OK.

We found the Lutheran schools to be caring, while promoting non-discrimination and choice for all, regardless of sex (in PC speak make that 'gender'). They promoted self-discipline and taking responsibility for one's own decisions. Apart from that, there was complete freedom from the politically correct nags and whingers who presume to know what is best for us.

I am happy to give students the alternatives and let them make their own minds up. I trust their judgement where they have kind, reliable and trustworthy mentors (in teachers and coaches) who don't have an axe to grind. Most teachers and coaches are good people and concerned about their young charges.

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