Special for the face, both sexes:-

Aldi have Hyaloronic Acid in a dropper bottle for just $10 a bottle.

You can buy Powdered Vit. C at the Health Food Shop.

Mix a bit of both in the palm of your hand and apply it to the face and hands. Keep away from eyes.

Exceptional price as a 50g jar costs anything from $50 to $60 in the Chemist, and it was advised by Dr, Oz.

I think the one made from the Hyaloronic Acid and powdered C really great. Can use crushed non flavoured Vit. C tablets (cheaper again) I use a motar and pestle.




I use Hyaluronic Cream on my joints which helps support the lubricating fluids that assists with shock absorption.

What size bottle do you get for $10 ???

The Hyaloronic Acid from Aldi is "Lacura Serum" very potent and it was on special for $9.99 each 30ml eye dropper bottle. Knowing me, it will be no surprise I bought 10. I have not looked for it since, but they should still sell it as I hope to always buy it.

I take One Hyaloronic capsule every morn. and one Collagen cap. at the same time, both bought from Biovea (on line) and by buying 6 at a time not to bad a price for a rather expensive set of vitamins :)

The unflavoured Vit C powder I buy at the health shop - "Melrose Vit. C " in a 125gram sachet which I keep in a tight lid jar in the fridge. For the face and hands :) with the Hyaloronic Acid mixed in - just a very tiny amount of each in the palm of the hand and mix.


Hyaloronic Acid is said to be good for the eyes.


I think something along the lines of Battery Acid would be needed to improve my time worn and battered moosh.



I use the Hyaluronic Cream on my joints and even with all my gardening so far have no pain.



That sounds like very good value - I could mix it with some Vit E cream ...wonder if it is doing my eyes some good by rubbing my joints ...it is supposed to be skin absorbable.

You would think our local biochemist would give us some advice :)

I could give you some advice, use this six times a day, rub in well, it works for hard, dry, leathery skin, it works for snow white!


I bet you are a handsome debonair bloke S.D. who the Noisy Scrub Bird thinks is "a bit of alright" :)

Don't laugh Phyl, was sent off by Mari yesterday for a haircut and while there, the hairdresser gave me a facial. Think I'm going to do this a lot more often!

That sounds like a fab. hairdressor Micha.

You and Mari can give each other a facial just with Vit. C powder dissolved in the smallest bit of water and mixed with any cream even Sorboline cream which many of use rather than a lot of soap products.

Good fun hey. 

Ain't life just grande! You and Mari especially with your new home.

The rest of the kids arrive this weekend Phyl, nothing left to do, even the beds are made!! The girls are off to the spa in the morning, having the full works, manicures, pedicures and I'm being treated to a full body massage (the good kind not the sort pete/sol has) the real McCoy. 

Phyl - by association with your new best buddy Micha, one can only assume you approve of the crap he posts against Foxy and Abby.

No they exchange face creams as all real men do ..,

Long ago I gave up buying expensive creams and just use sorbolene to cleanse  face.  It is also a good moisturiser.

The only cream that will really help with wrinkles is Retinol.   Was originally prescribed for people with acne but it was found that it was great for the skin generally.  I think there is a longer name for it with the Retinol part of it.   You have to get on prescription and use it very sparingly as it can cause redness if you overdo it and must keep out of sun.

People are wasting their money on expensive creams from the cosmetic companies.

The best thing is to use lots of moisturiser which holds in the moisture in your skin and to avoid the sun on your skin as much as you can.

I believe that my face is beyond economic repair - where creams and makeup have failed, perhaps plastic surgery is a chance? Actually, never tried either. Guys are pretty lucky, just splash some soapy water on and scrape with a razor periodically and we are fortunate enough to "mature gracefully" instead of just getting old.

These days, I have to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink

Hey kfc. come on over and I will give you the most delicious facial you have ever had, and you will walk away saying "wow look at me I am such a good looking bloke" Are you game? and if you like I will walk on your back for you. O.K. :) 

Phyl !!

Really, I did not think you were a girl like that ...Micha only gone a couple of days and here you are .....

If you are going to walk on my back, Phyl - i insist that you wear stiletto's

LOL kfc I was going to give you the option  :) I can fix lower back pain quite seriously, (not cure it) but my toes are magic >>>true. :)

How clever is this I ask ? I can wave each of my toes independently of each other!

Anyone else can do this? or am I just unique lol.


You are unique LOL

Not many can even do it with all their fingers.


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