Slow is an understatement yes?


Total Posts: 490
Joined 2008-09-13 We are working on a web site, at the moment, but want to procede slowly, in order to get it right
Posted: 13 September 2008 05:15 PM

er um the slow is right.....Like the ad for Pantene hair wash. "It May happen but not fast" lol
I was talking to people at work today who are in contact with some people from most of the States of Australia and will have details available soon re getting a real group going and apparently it is past the just talking stage. I wonder will anyone ever be able to get it together and organise a group trully capable of representing over 50's.
Most of these people organising are apparently pre baby boomer age so not as cynical or as slow as those of us have reached 60 and trying to help elderly parents.
We can always hope anyway.



Total Posts: 490

Joined 2008-09-13 We are working on a web site, at the moment, but want to procede slowly, in order to get it right

Posted: 13 September 2008 05:15 PM

er um the slow is right.....Like the ad for Pantene hair wash. "It May happen but not fast" lol


I was talking to people at work today who are in contact with some people from most of the States of Australia and will have details available soon re getting a real group going and apparently it is past the just talking stage. I wonder will anyone ever be able to get it together and organise a group trully capable of representing over 50's.

Most of these people organising are apparently pre baby boomer age so not as cynical or as slow as those of us have reached 60 and trying to help elderly parents.

We can always hope anyway.


Instead of constantly complaining about what other people are or are not doing how about you get off your chair and do something yourself for a change


Thank you Clay. Isn't it interesting that Korry "is a...who lives in..." has 3 jobs & takes care of invalid parents & still manages to try to split the effort down the middle with posts written at 3.47PM on a Friday. In actual fact, if there is another group further down the track, I would be more than happy to pull out & put all my efforts behind them. The one thing that we can't let happen is to split any Senior effort.

Where on earth did you get the idea my parents are invalids Innes? My parents will never require Governmant money to live and quite fit and healthy thank you.

They still own and help run a business with my brother regardless of being over 80.

I work different times and rarely get here to read much less post. It is none of your business to know MY business and in fact would be loath to have you know anything about me. You seem very interested I knock off 3 p.m. Fridays before I start again to have a meal. But even these times change so if you see me here at a time you do not think my designated time to be here feel free to say and I will explain my time table to you as you are so interested but only if I feel like it tee hee.

You do sound rather a nasty elderly gent. Why do you often agree with the people you seem to not like all that much when it suits you. Then again perhaps we are all a bit this way have to say.

I would love to say I am home now for the weekend but no I am not.

If you are a person going to stand for people to elect you Innes I hope you have much stamina

and even more integrity as I have seen someone say you are very cynical and sarcastic.

and I have seen how you rip into anyone does not conform to what you believe is the Right way to live and to be honest It shocks me so of course I would never never never follow you but I am sure you would not wish me upon you anyway.

Will be very good to see how many Seniors are behind you and the names of the people when you post your list.

I look forward to it. True good on you having a go. Perhaps you can do it. Many are waiting I am sure. You and Clay might make a good team you think.

If only you were able to read as well Korry. I have made it very clear, on many occasions, that we are hoping to find the right candidates to endorse. I have no intention of running personally. Secondly, the opinions of Clay & myself are sometimes the same & they only agree then, because we think the same thing. I never agree with anybody, I just express my opinion & I think that Clay does the same. As for us being a team. Interesting thought!! It would certainly be interesting, if somewhat tumultuous. As for my stamina, I am 70 & run a business that employs 7 people & manage to exist on 4 to 5 hours sleep per night.

You asked why I thought you looked after elderly parents. You said

"Most of these people organising are apparently pre baby boomer age so not as cynical or as slow as those of us have reached 60 and trying to help elderly parents." That is pretty clear, but maybe my English is lacking.

I would like to see a seniors political party to represent the interests of ALL seniors, even you. The seniors don't need anybody to attempt to split it down the middle, like you would like, & destroy the whole purpose.


I would like to see a seniors political party to represent the interests of ALL seniors, even you. The seniors don't need anybody to attempt to split it down the middle, like you would like, & destroy the whole purpose.


Strangely not many posts back you said you are all for AGE Pensioners and seemed to revere

those! as opposed to anyone dared to save for their old age and supported themselves. so I was thinking it is YOU trying to split Seniors. I hope there are people helping Seniors over 50 in all aspects of life. Someone will come forward and be the right person please.


.I believe you Innes would rather help any person in their 40's 50's and early 60's sit on their bums and cry "I do not get enough to make me happy from The Newstart" I cannot find any work but I eat a lot :) than genuine seniors who know they have to wait for the age pension and it is a privledge to receive any money not a right in my families opinion.


Now Innes so you do not have to strain your brain cells and I know how important to you it is you check all times I post of my 20 or so posts in around 5 months since I joined, the time now is around 7 a.m. and I am off to house-sit for the weekend so will not be able to read any posts of yours (not that I actually really read many anyway. YOU work you say? careful someone may check your times of posting hundreds in the year you have been here are there? (not I, I could care less)

I cannot help with your wonderings and fantasy's about homosexual people as I have no care in what they, or you, or anyone else does in their own homes :)


I see you wrote about yourself:- innes Total Posts: 492

Joined 2008-09-13 ... I’m short, weak & old. Like living, so not brave anymore.


Keep going and rest up a bit more maybe and try to be a bit less sarcastic and

not trying to "catch people" doing their own thing and living their own lives - take care of you and take care. I kinda feel a bit sorry for you whereas I really disliked you but I see you have your battles like everyone else.


I'm sorry Korry, I missunderstood you. I thought you said you had 3 real JOBS, not housesitting.

I don't care who checks my times. I own the business & only get paid on my own efforts & abilities, regardless of hours worked. I don't even get a 17 1/2% holiday loading, because I haven't taken a holiday since I started it.

I am not cynical; I am a realist!!! Yes, I am sarcastic, but I am making some effort to change that.

I do not have any wonderings, or fantasies about gay people, I know what Gay means sexually, & couldn't care less, unless you & your mob, allow them to raise children.

I care about justice for all.

You are a nasty, bitchy woman, who thinks that pensioners should go back to work & widows, should have a job, or starve & that younger people who lose their jobs, should get another one immediately or starve, & Centerlink shouldn't exist. Are you trying to change that?

Last post from me to on this subject Innes but you do seem SO very interested in my jobs

I will just let you know as you do sound a bit difficult to get to understand many things but that is o.k. as you said you are slowing down as most seniors are.

Innes as I know you are SO worried.........

I receive a princely sum of $200 to house sit (includes feeding and giving animals attention) and watering plants but no housework other than my own for a weekend and I have plenty of

people wanting me to do this.

I babysit for $12 an hour and I sit at least twice a week for different people for around 6 hours each home and more at a time.

My brother is just chatting to me about what I am telling you and he is appalled you are such an inquisitive old gent. so I will stop now and not explain all the other ways I have to earn an honest living. Sorry trying to keep myself afloat offends you, but I have no intention of taking money from taxpayers until I am of old age pension age and even then only if my health does not allow me to work.

Innes "Please Please leave me alone now and lets agree to disagree". Strangely as previously I really did not like you (I still am not in love with you mind ) :) I do feel sorry for you as I think you have aspirations so a . "Would be if you could be".

Still waiting for this list explaining who you are? and the names of people backing you and behind you? (no pun intended as I know your feelings on this subject) giggle.

I give up but do take care and take it easy. You have earned it.

You will have the last words I am sure so over to you and I promise not to reply :0

If I was able to I would change the topic of this thread to "Let us see who can hurl the best insults at each other"

Grow up children :)


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