single aged pension payment rates

I have been listening on air to people complaining how tough it is on the single aged pension. They amaze me! I have to survive on one half of the married rate which is a lot lower. My wife doesn't qualify due to shortfall on residence. These 'two can live as cheap as one' people should try it, whoever dreamed that statement up should try it!

How many of these people smoke and drink and visit the local casino?

The single aged pension is $933.40 my pension is $703.50 a differece of $229.90 a fortnight.

I suggest these single aged pensioners should take a look at their outgoings. We all want more, however, one has to budget. 

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If the Govt only pays you $703 ?

I would suggest that you get a divorce and get the full single aged pension.

After all marriage is only a bit of paper.

Alternatively, either you or your wife or both need to get a job even if it is part time.

Sure that's a good constructive idea !! Never thought of that divorce the Wife  my post was on the single aged pension not managing why? 

No need to get a divorce at all. A mate went to the Admin Tribunal claiming that he and the missus have not anything to do with each other anymore and now they are both on single pensions in the same unit but have separate bedrooms. Every thing is still the same, never a day without being together in the local boozer but 2 single pensions!! They still moan that it's not enough but then they both are never without a fag in their mouths. By the way, their rent is $200 a week and they get rent assistance as well. You just have to know how to use the system to your advantage.

Understand the dilemma pretty well, being 4 years older I managed to get the married pension (one qualified) and that is what he's receiving. New Start is an option for the wife with volunteering probably the answer.

"My wife doesn't qualify due to shortfall on residence"  Tough mate, go and live in her Country maybe. 


I cannot understand why he does not get the full single pension ???

... surely there should be somebody at Centrelink that is capable of solving this dilemma ??

Sure go and live on her country never thought of that the post wa about single rate not being enough to live on 

Probably would not qualify there either. Not all countries have pension systems.


Because Suze, he is not single he is married


There are many Australians who  are married or live together and live on reduced rates of pensions due to both receiving   pensions. I am single and live on a diabilty pension and budget

There are many Australians who  are married or live together and live on reduced rates of pensions due to both receiving   pensions. I am single and live on a diabilty pension and budget

I manage on a single pension, but I am no longer paying a mortgage each fortnight.  When I was paying a mortgage it was very difficult, I have had to access equity in my home to fund essential repairs.  Now I am ready to move into a retirement village because I need more help and care than is available to me in the community.  I intend to move closer to my family and there will be support I can access through the village.  Not sure if I will need higher care later, but if so I will have access to it in the same place.  I've had a few health issues over the last couple of years, and found it really difficult trying to do it all on my own.  Hopefully I will have enough money to see me through to the end without having to burden my family.

Good one Size, very compassionate. There's way too big a gap between the joint married pension and the single pension. This issue should be dealt with immediately by all government. If you own your own residence the single pensions fine, no bells and whistles but enough to live on reasonably comfortably. If your a renter regrettably it's not, however these are things should have addressed in the earlier years. Superannuation if attempting to do that now, a little too late for some, but a step in the right direction. Cheers Jacka.

Thanks for reply the differing payments between single and married was readjusted by K Rudd to promote an higher rate for single pensioners this was a political move it's too wide a gap now no wonder some people never disclose living together due to the lateness of superannuation at 8% was introduced to late for myself now 77 years of age 

A man and a woman both work all their life pay all their taxes and any other dues they are supposed to

they get $933.40 aged pension each as they are single people

but if they fall in love and marry the government says they're not entitled to $400+

does that sound right after all they've both still paid the same dues?

They do not need falling in love just shacking up together is enough. Friends of ours in their 70s, brother and sister, both having lost their partner, decided to live together and of course they still have their single pensions. So much for the old chestnut: 2 can live as cheaply as one! Utter bullsh*t. OK, these two doing alright, even manage to have a car each.

At 9 % super from employers anyway we are at an age when the government couldn't  care less Morrison and his arroagance regarding the Nswstart rate is typical 

$703.50 x 2 = $1407 a fortnight. That is money that would go to your daily living expenses such as utilities and food. That is $473.60 more than what a single pensioner gets. Women generally eat less and do more work around the home then men and they don't complain. 

If you divorced you would be $473.60 a fortnight worse off and no one to share the heavy load with. Stop complaining.

Yes that's correct it two are each receiving one half of the married rate is acceptable all I was saying if I was receiving the single pension I could take care of two people my post was about single pension not enough to live on for one person 

I agree that budgeting is a great  aid to surving on the pension. BUT you do not say whether you own your home. That can make a BIG difference?

I have a government apartment paying a reduced rent I can survive having this divorce many years ago took my asserts however the gap rate needs readjusting 

Don't get married stay single love is not in the equation ihave many friends on the single pension all complaining it's not enough all in government accomodation 

People living in Govt housing should thank their lucky stars, cannot be thrown out like ordinary folks.

Even if they can afford normal rent after getting work? 

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