Shall we take up a collection

Holly cow if they can't manage on His wages and perks and her working--let them try the bloody Basic wage or Pension


Poor things - must be hard for them on a couple of hundred thousand a year plus perks.

But at least when he retires he won't have to survive on the age pension.

I suppose we are all part of "The weird mob"

but The Abbotts not able to live comfortably? give me a break ....

And Julia Gillard asking people to pray? I ask to whom? if she

does not believe in God


Still think Labour will do well in the coming years and

hopefully we will be glad they "got back into power" :)

All the best


I guess it's all related to where you came from. If you grew up as a child, having to move from house to house, just ahead of the dreaded "rent" man, a house, where you could stay would seem a haven. Same with a mortgage payment I guess. If you grew up in a fairly priveledged home, private school, university fees paid, moving away would seem hard. Having to make your own way would be difficult. But having someone like the oppostion's wife say "she did it hard", is almost unbelievable. Same with Ms Gillard - they have no idea what it is like to be an aged pensioner in this day and age. How on earth they can try to relate to us now completely astounds me. If I had even a quarter of what they are earning, I would be on easy street, and absolutely rolling the filthy lucre.

Same with Ms Gillard - they have no idea what it is like to be an aged pensioner in this day and age. How on earth they can try to relate to us now completely astounds me. If I had even a quarter of what they are earning, I would be on easy street, and absolutely rolling the filthy lucre.

At least Abbott, in his own spare time is out there among the underprivileged areas in the outback, as a volunteer teacher, as well as his other charity work, so I think he [u]does[/u] have a better idea than some of the other politicians.

Gillard is out there telling people she knows what their going through out in the western suburbs of Sydney! What a joke! Of course the media is going to publish stuff like that about Abbott, because most of the media don't want him elected. So print stuff out of context .

Why not offset such statements with stories about the good work he does?

To have a decent family man, adored by his wife and daughters, and who genuinely gets out there in the community and mingles with all people, elected as PM, seems anathema to the majority of the Australian media.

Sunday Herald Sun 15 August Page 9

Tony Abbott tells us how he has struggled with money.

NOW his Wife controls the family purse strings.

Would you believe it there are some people who want this bloke to run the country. :bug:

Just who is going to make his decisions for him ???????

HIS WIFE :question:

Heaven Help us. :roll:

In my humble opinion, Mark Latham is the "drop-kick from hell", but he did make an interesting point in saying that Abbott and Gillard have given us nothing of substance in this campaign........ so far it has been all fairy floss and rhetoric. Abbot assassinated Pauline Hansons political career and Gillard stabbed Rudd in the back - they both have "blood on their hands" ....... I would not trust either of them.

I dont think it is appropriate to waste our vote by leaving it blank, but I do think it reasonable to show our contempt for the major parties. I will be looking for reasonable independents or minor parties with a sensible platform to give my vote to.

I was thinking the very same thing re Lathem--but was surprised that I found myself agreeing with him--and thought he did quite a good job--and like you say--they both have blood on their hands and I too will be voting for minor parties.

are all you Labor mob going to put money into Labors call for money to help pay for the last week adverts,??

If Labor can't make their money go around for their adverts, how are they going to manage our money if they are elected???????????


If Labor can't make their money go around for their adverts, how are they going to manage our money if they are elected???????????


How is Abbott going to manage our money if he cannot manage his own ?

I don't like Mark Latham but he did make some good points particularly what Pauline Hanson had to say about Abbott

I remember Rudd trying to paint 'the poor upbringing I had' picture around the time he was elected, which turned out to be bullshit and the first of many lies that he uttered.

I guess it comes easy after a while.

Seggie. I have totally lost my faith in any party whatsoever so don't think we who write in are all Labor.

How could one feel safe if a want-to-be leader cannot manage their money? I remember my mother, hiding behind the front door, telling the children not to open the door as the rent man was coming. Mum used to add a bit of water to the milk because she could not afford to buy more.

As someone said, they have absolutely no idea.

Are other pensioners feeling slightly apprehensive of the ever-increasing costs of just about

everything? Winter heating is the biggest cost at the moment and with summer not that far away, will be all be huddled together in a shopping centre to save costs? Oh, come on, let's get together!!!

Do you think that any of them could manage on our bank accounts?

I'd be very willing to swop.

I remember when the Australian people gave John Howard the "big A"...... I thought at the time that he had become arrogant and had completely lost touch with the wants and needs of the average Australian. Now I see the leaders of the two main parties in the same light...... they keep sympathising and saying how the average voter is "doing it tough", but really, they just have not got a clue.

I really cant see why Julia is crowing about their track record and challenging Tony to a debate on the economy....... after the way they have spent OUR money on the school building program, the insulation debacle etc PLUS failed to fix the hospital system and about a zillion other broken promises. Despite all his ravings, I do think dear Tony still carries a torch for Workchoices and many of the policies of his friend and mentor, Howard.

To me,our choice in this election is like being the victim of a home invasion........ the burglars tell you "We are going to kill you.......would you prefer strangulation or the knife" . How do you choose and why would you bother when the end result will be the same?


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