Seniors Website Off Line

Anyone else have trouble connecting to this website lately. I couldn't connect last night and this morning (Thursday), until now.

Fwed, are you still there? Hope you are OK.

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Why are we so silent, on this issue, Is It because they are Japanese or are we in denial, at the scale of the horror that we see on our tvs. When we had the floods in Qld everywhere one went it was the main topic of conversation. When the last tsounami hit a few years ago there was a great deal of immediate fund raising in the streets and on tv,but I hear nothing of fund raising with this.I worked at Vinnies yesterday and not once was Japan mentioned , I attended a church function for my grandaughters school last evening and not once was Japan mentioned, not one prayer offered up for the poor peoples safety or welfare. Are we in a state of shock , paralysed with fear, or have we become so brainwashed with the drama and trauma that we have all witnessed so much of lately that It is not registering .I dont know as even I have managed to carry out my normal dailey activities as if nothing has happened ,and it is only in the middle of the night that I can not sleep, thinking about the horror and the grief these people are going through,and wondering what is wrong with me. When the earthquake struck Christchurch, I could not stop the tears and grieved deeply, although the death tole in comparison is light, compared to the thousands dead and missing in Japan and I have not shed a tear I am ashamed to admit, I hope I am in denial and have not become so used to seeing tragedy unfolding, that I am losing the ability to feel. Maybe global counselling will be needed after this. Wobbly.

Some very good points Wobbly. With the speed of information that has

developed in this modern age, I believe that we are becoming inured to

any news of disasters that are not on our doorstop. Also, I would be of the

opinion that there is a degree of racism involved. These poor individuals

were Japanese, not Westerners. Just look at the relatively less degree of

horror when the earthquake hit mid-western China compared to Christchurch.

I believe that the scale of the disaster was too huge

to take in, slowly we start to understand the loss of

life and the terrible destruction.

To understand the death toll of people going about

normal business makes one think that no one knows

what is going to happen, from one day to another.

A question.

If you knew that you only had 24 hrs to live,

What would you like to do or achieve now,???

I'd make sure that I took a few deserving bastards with me.


Are these narrow minded members you will appoint going to rule the roost?if that happens you will loose members ,some already are trying to do that now,it ain' t broken now so don't need fixing,

Drew it is your web sit ,but remember it is we the people who makes your site by our input

jesse j

jessej, who are "these narrow minded members"

What makes you think they are going to rule ?

I only see members expressing an opinion - I must admit that some opinions I do not agree with, but they prolly don't agree with me either. I accept that as their right to express an opinion.

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