Scientist reveals the 'true' Mona Lisa

portrait of original mona lisa and the Mr Cotte's reconstruction
A French scientist, using new technology, has revealed what he believes to be Leonardo da Vinci’s true Mona Lisa. Pascal Cotte has spent ten years digitally deconstructing the layers of the famous oil painting, then reconstructing it to find what he claims is a completely different woman.

Already the the world’s most intriguing portrait, it seems the Mona Lisa smirk could indeed be hiding a secret.

“We can now analyse exactly what is happening inside the layers of the paint and we can peel, like an onion, all the layers of the painting. We can reconstruct all the chronology of the creation of the painting,” Cotte told the BBC.

However, some art pundits may not agree with Mr Cotte’s findings.

“The idea that there is that picture as it were hiding underneath the surface is untenable,” said Mona Lisa expert Martin Kemp. “I do not think there are these discrete stages which represent different portraits. I see it as more or less a continuous process of evolution. I am absolutely convinced that the Mona Lisa is Lisa.”

Have you seen the Mona Lisa first hand? Would knowing what was beneath change the impression you have of this most famous painting?



I am very skeptical about this because in those days there were many poor artists who could not afford to buy equipment and had to reuse their canvases. Leonardo da Vinci was not one of these. Most of his paintings were commissioned by many of the wealthy and also the Church. I don't see why he would paint over a canvas.

Besides I had the wonderful opportunity many many years ago to see the Mona Lisa and I would hate to find my illusions about it shattered. Even if it were true it would not diminish my respect  for  it. 

I have had the opportunity to view the Mona Lisa and suddy it in Paris, and compare to the 6 official copies that are in the collection.

Further it is common for artists to build up a surface, under many are continuous layers.


Prefer to go with the final image Leonardo wanted us to see. Not the underpainting!

For sure, Leonardo knew his study as a young person and then an older person....why worry who said or did what. It is really not important and definitely does not change her smile or alter our illusions in any way.  It's truly mesmerising, let it be.

it does not alter the beauty of the painting,    but i find it interesting that they did this,     was a bit on THE ANTIQUES ROADSHOW awhile back,   about a painting that had been taken in,    and this one was found to have been painted over,      have read several theories as to what she was smiling about,     dome say it is becauce she was a sedret misstress,  others that she was pregnant,  and it was an expectant mothers smile,     one well never know, 

I remember reading somewhere that Leonardo worked on the Mona Lisa for years, constantly working and reworking it and carrying it with him everywhere he went. I recall that it was somewhat of an obsession for him. It's no wonder then that there are layers beneath the final image.

I also recall that the Mona Lisa had something to do with him trying to remember how his mother looked? I may be confused on that one. Does anybody know the story behind the Mona Lisa?

Leon…there will always be an element of doubt as to who the real Mona Lisa was. Anyhow…many art historians firmly believe she was the wife of a wealthy silk merchant from Florence named Lisa Gherardini. Historians believe Francesco del Giocondo…her husband… commissioned the painting to celebrate the birth of their second son Andrea.

Apparently the only reason her name is known at all is because the famous art writer Giorgio Vasari wrote about it in his book entitled “Life of Leonardo de Vinci”…if you’re interested this is quite enlightening to have a look at:

It’s quite possible there are other pictures underneath the present painting of the Mona Lisa because artists sometimes use a Layer Amplification Method to build up their pictures. Whatever the case…what we see today is quite beautiful and I for one don’t want to have it picked apart by people like Cotte. I feel we are seeing what de Vinci intended us to see.


For sure, Leonardo knew his study as a young person and then an older person....why worry who said or did what. It is really not important and definitely does not change her smile or alter our illusions in any way.  It's truly mesmerising, let it be.

You are spot on doclisa

 "the final image Leonardo wanted us to see. Not the underpainting!"

Just look at another famous artist Claude Monet who after his cataract operation purchased his paintings back so he could repaint them to what he then saw as the right colour.

Having dabbled in paints myself, I can see how one would keep painting until it met their personnal satisfaction. You have to be kissed by a Muse to understand.

Being a bit of an artist myself (more into sketches though) I can understand that it must have taken a long time to produce such a magnificant painting.

This one is my latest and I am still working on it and will continue to do so until I consider it perfect. One has to have patience to produce true works of art.

Haha! Love your masterpiece Gerryand your  wit.

Stop laughing at Gerry's talent ... I will have you to know I have a number of Gerry's creations for which I have paid dearly .... there is no end to his talent.

GERRY,   have you ben taking lessons from ZAPOT,   i recall he put out  quite a few marsterpieces himself,    not unli your,    HOLD onto the ons you have ABBY,    could be worth a MINT one day,  lol,lol,    

Thought it was a tracing of your foot Gerry then realised it had 6 toes, you don't have that many or do you?  Think you have improved a lot since your early ones.

Sad to say Viv :)

But you have not got an artistic bone in you ... why anybody can see that is a self portrait of Gerry ... just look at the elongated oval face ... the two ears ... two arms an the two ??? What the ...?? .... looks as if he had too many beers

I am very proud and fortunate to be have been able to show you my artistic side and so it is rewarding to get such positive feedback, especially to be on the same page as Moaning Lisa.

in a few years GERRY,   everybody will want one of your paintings,    and we here at Y.L.C,   will be able to say we knew you when ,   as a budding artist , you began to flourish,    could you do a small one for each of your friends on here,  prehaps,?     something to remember you by,    and make us rich in our old age,   as im sure they will sell for a fortune, 


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