School bullying

I see worldwide interest in a short video clip of a kid named "Casey" retaliating against a school bully. I have to say that I cheered for the kid myself and thought it was a great day for victims when casey finally "snapped', picked up his antagonist and slammed him into the ground. He then just walked away, showing that he was not chasing vengeance or looking to prolong the confrontation.
I dont condone violence, but our "system" consistently fails the victims of bullying and the time comes when one simply has to say "enough" and defend themselves.
I note that the bully was immediately suspended from the school but so was casey and I find that deplorable. It shows how completely out of touch teachers and school administrators are with the children in their care. Despite all the legislation, policies/procedures, good intentions etc, bullying remains the "elephant in the room" in most schools. Teachers just want to teach and seem reluctant to live up to community expectations that they are RESPONSIBLE for our children whilst in their care. Policing and preventing bullying just seems too hard and most are reluctant to confront the bullys and their parents and put a stop to the practice.


Bullying is just horrible..The bigger boy took such a lot from

the horrible boy goading him before he did retaliate.


Sinister also re girls giving hugs to groups of girls

but leaving one girl completely on the outer.


I wonder should all schools pay a monitor to just look

after the needs and behaviour of children - walking amongs

them when they are out of the schoolroom and taking notes if



Children are not always safe at school and this is bad as

we have to educate our children so they should be happy

and safe at school and at recess and on the way there and back..

I completely agree, Phyl. Bullying is not just violence and girls can be especially cruel. Showing affection and pleasure in the company of friends is great but when that is done with the express intention of showing a "victim" that they are unwelcome, unwanted and excluded is every bit as harmful to a young mind/ego as any other form of bullying.

It particularly "burns" me when the do-gooders focus on the bullys and minimise their actions by calling for help for them. Counselling, therapy, supervision etc or claims that it is their "unhappy" home that makes them do these things. In those circumstances, the victim is often overlooked or their suffering underestimated.

Sure, some of these bullys may have mental, emotional or behavioral problems and we should be addressing that but if there is ever to be any real progress with the problem, SERIOUS disincentives need to be built into the system, both for the bully and the bully,s parents.

It is difficult for both boys and girls growing up isnt it KFC

Another form of bullying not often talked about but should be

is that girls are pressured (and boys also) to indulge

in intimacies best kept for married couples and both sexesof kids

berated and "put down" for not being street wise so to speak.


How many young girls are left "holding the baby" and made to feel

the villain with a life not the same as her young friends with

having to grow up far too fast and the poor baby also.


I really feel there is a lot lacking in the education of our young in matters

more important than Geometry or Algebra etc.


The teenage years (between maybe 10 and 19) are very difficult years

At 22 I had 3 children and missed out on a lot because I always wanted to be

married at 18 and I was :( just s.t.u.p.i.d.i.t.y or a young head on young shoulders


Yep maybe we should have been born older and wiser lol.

Bullying is one of those lose lose situations in my opinion, the Bully really is looking for some sort of recognition, heroic status if you like, suffers lack of confidence, self esteem etc, probably from being told from a very small child that they are useless, dumb, etc etc etc and bullying is their way and in their mind a way of rising to a level that creates followers and 'friends' which they would otherwise not have.

The victim again does not have the self esteem to just pass off the bully in the first place, probably again suffers from low self esteem and as they quite often don't have many friends, recedes into a shell and stays there, becomes very scared of the bully and the group which then gives the bully the knowledge that the victim is an easy and stand alone target. The Victim is usually scarred for life,

In my view the school in question here was wrong to punish the victim, in this case the victim did take a stand and retaliated because the teachers who were supposed to protect him had not, therefore he had to take his own stand. I feel this particular victim will go a long way in life and maybe, hopefully will not be victimized again. I wonder how long he practiced that particular throw and who taught him, hopefully it was his parents.

That's just my view on a very serious problem.


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