Robert Brown the Gentleman

I think he could give both Julia and Tony lessons in how to
show decency as I honestly feel a big reason neither the latter did
as well as they wanted, was because they spent far too much time
"bagging" each other and each other's Party............People got
fed up with them both I believe..
Far less time was spent actually showing what they themselves were
willing and capable of doing for Australians.
What a fiasco but who knows good may come from it all.
All the best

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It certainly brings in some money, but I think the main driving force is simply to express themselves and revel in their "difference". Gays have been persecuted and repressed for far too many years and now that they can express their inner feelings, they shout it from the rooftops (well, once a year, at least)

I have no problem with anyone being gay (just dont try to convert me), including Bob Brown. I do have friends in the political arena (now retired) who had dealings with him. They told me that he is a consummate politician and not to be trusted - his word on any matter is worthless if he gets a better offer. Admittedly, this is second hand info, but from people I trust and respect.

I am with you on the Mardi Gras Jane. and wonder why on earth they do it.

I am all for fun and a parade is fun but I just do not understand the

Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.

Oh well cannot undersonstumble everything I suppose I mean

takes us all our time to underconstumble Seth much less lots of other stuff

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Forgive me Seth I am detoxing :red:

Step 1. admit your problem,

Step 2. give up alcohol.

Step3. underconstumbling is easier sober.

I couldn't care less for their sexual preferences ,and I also believe that with some of the names they get called on this forum,that the people who are doing the name calling are very doubtful of their own sexuallty ,,As the old saying goes, it takes one to know one , but you are all Gods creatures so we loves you anyway..

Always so nice to see you hopping around Taddy.

Life's good hey.

Fwed I can assure you that Tanwin and I are separate people although I do agree with a lot of what he says

Seth bending backwards would be better than bending forward

zapot I would not bend over for the Greens

Have we a new member name Jesse ?

Let's not blame god for everything; people use sex gizzmos or have sex with animals.

They even have sex with children out of 'love'.

I would have been more interested in Brown's policies but we heard nothing here.

In other countries people are not that happy with 'Greens' as they do not allow many policies that would

be cheaper for consumers. As pensioners we all dread that electricity bill.

I couldn't care less for their sexual preferences ,and I also believe that with some of the names they get called on this forum,that the people who are doing the name calling are very doubtful of their own sexuallty ,,As the old saying goes, it takes one to know one , but you are all Gods creatures so we loves you anyway..

Tadpole, what a relief, I thought you had left us for the bright lights,

I am glad to see you perk up when everyone is talking about sexuality.

At the moment I cannot understand what all the fuss is about,

The more I try to understand what it all means, the bigger the migraine.

I haven't said much but our friend mick the brave pilot has been

missing for a long time, I wonder if he has teamed up with the greens. seth.

It IS good to see Taddy Seth, but Mick and Jaxx had better have good

excuses for leaving us in the lurch like this. Come out come out whever you are.

If the closet dosn't matter we loves ya.......

I have no real excuse for mty absence ,except that when I an cold my brain doesn't function, and I have so many clothes on the rest of me barely functions I look like the Michalin man most iof the time ..I will parcipitate more in all my favorite playgrounfs as soon as my brain and my fingers thaw out .. I do hope Mick andJaxxare not huma icicles somewhere

Oh Tadpole , that is not good.

Yesterday and the day before were 31 C here but it was cooler today - only got up to 26.

Fingers work ok but I wish I had learnt to type when younger.

I think Tadpole must live in Adelaide; we are freezing here :lol:

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