Recycling and helping

I was tired of looking at all the things in my recycle bin the garbage truck collects and thought I would phone a local pre school,I did and they excitedly said yes they would be very grateful to receive things like:clean margarine containers, lids, clean ice cream or yogurt containers with
their lids, I assume play dough and all sorts of arty crafty things get collected and chosen from these containers.The centre cardboard rolls from my paper towel,cling wrap, foilwrap etc go there to childcare, the children are very creative.Toilet roll centre cardboard is not allowable of course.Just ask your local childcare I am sure your reusables will be greatly

received from Betty


What a brilliant suggestion, I will be calling the local child-care centre as well as the local primary school who might also be interested. I take empty pots from the nursery to the local markets and give them to the stallholders, who are most grateful, so this is yet another avenue for recycling. Places like Bunnings no longer accept them, well not in the A.C.T. anyway.

Having been - on a "trip", to my local recyling/garbage centre, I really wonder why we really bother. The recyclables were dumped in one area, then sorted. The "green" waste was then dumped in another area, and sorted, The "Red" was dumped in another area!! and sorted! Why not put it all in one bin?? Maybe t is only here??


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