Recipes for weight loss shakes needed

After an unsuccessful snoop around the Net I am trying to find simple and practical recipes, nothing exotic, based on skim milk or low fat milk powder.

C'mon, action is needed because Xmas is just around the corner.  Heh, heh, did I get that in before Woolies?


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Trying to get into last years bathers hey Nautilus LOL :-) :-) :-)

The budgie smugglers are OK, but there is some overhang above.

Lol, I wasn't going to add that to the post..........:) :)

You know you love budgie smugglers.

I like the 'floatie' you have there Nautilus............

I liked the girls in their 'budgie' smugglers. I suppose 'budgie' is shorter than 'Northern American semi-aquatic animal' smuggler, which is quite a mouthful.

LOL, I didn't know girls had budgie smuglers, I thought they were the boys domain

Flip through the slides, the girls had the label on their bottoms.
However I am sure the young women were exhibiting their feminine side through being supportive of their menfolk and budgies generally. I have made a mental note to return the favour by being more supportive of Northern American semi-aquatic animals, but of course I already am.

please guys im eating breaky here lol...but seriously i use RAPID LOSS shakes the chocky one and its yummy and fills you up. its $34.00 at woolies but lasts me 10 days.i have it for lunch,sometimes breaky.if you mix it with skim milk its a meal replacement,you can also mix with water and have it just before a meal to fill you up so you eat less.just a sugestion but it works for me.hope you try it and just a matter how much you lose DO NOT WEAR BUDGIE SMUGGLERS EVER!!!!! LOL...NOT A GOOD LOOK EVER ........................................

a cheap fantastic weightloss milk shake

(as long as a meal replacement and not an extra)

From the WeightLoss Centre I worked for:-

Dissolve packet

of Low Calorie Jelly Crystals (Raspberry works well)

in bit of hot water and cool with maybe an ice block

Add this to a glass of very cold skim milk and add some ice

plus few spoons skim milk powder

and whizz. - lovely cheap very good for you

Weight loss
thick shake. Just take a multi vit.

to add what they charge an arm and a leg supposedly

added to exensive shakes. This shake really fills the tummy.

Jeez Phyl that was a marathon post but sounds good advice

You might remembr Taddy I worked for Gloria

Marshall figure Salons
in Geelong and many

very O'weight ladies used this recipe to shed pounds

Another simple sweet is to dissolve once again a low calorie Jelly

in the bit of hot water and add bit of ice to cool to very cold

and add this to low fat Yoghurt even layering in a glass.

very low cals. and filling.

I need a medal for all that as I typed the lot but

it did not go in (what's new) so the epitah began lol

ppst Taddy.

grrrrrrr Help please Drew :(

yikes not even one line now?

Dusty Tadpole is your derriere off the chair?

I am doing this SO often as I need new swimmers this year

My derriereis rarely of a chair I have too much fun on my computer ,so I only move when needs must

But I type with mine up and weight on the feet

Stops the flattening. o.k. o.k. no need to be rude

I conceed to being eccentric

I saw somewhere on here that Drew was looking for a cruising companion , Does that mean he is going to sail off into the sunset and leave us wallowing ???

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