Recipe for Effective DIY Method Removing Urine Stains and Smell

Effective DIY Method Removing Urine Stains and Smell

Whether you have a pet or a toddler, chances are that you are going to have a urine stain on your mattress. Getting those stains off (and particularly getting the smell out)

can be difficult. There is however, a really effective and really inexpensive method for removing urine from mattresses, clothing, carpet and just about anything else that you may need.

You will need to mix these ingredients together:

Note that if you mix them together in a spray bottle, the baking soda may foam so it is best to mix them and then pour into the spray bottle once the foam has receded. Using the mixture is really easy. You just have to spray the area that needs to be treated and let it sit for about an hour or so. You may want to ventilate the room or turn a fan on so that the smell doesn’t get to you. When you come back, your stains should be completely gone and the best part is that they will take the smell with them.

Incidentally, hydrogen peroxide is an excellent blood stain remover so if you have blood on your clothing, carpeting or other fabric, you can just dab a bit of peroxide on it and it should lift off easily. This particular recipe is also great for getting the smell out of your pets. If you have rambunctious dogs that like to chase skunks, you know what smell we’re talking about. Just give him a bath in the baking soda mixture and the smell will go away.

Don't think we have to worry about skunks, but I guess there's plenty of things our dogs can rub in, well not mine anymore.




Will this also work on male overspray in the loo ???

you must live with a yobbo.

tell him to sit the f#ck down

Abby just tell them to keep their mind on the job in hand, saw a toilet training suggestion for little boys a ping pong ball in the Loo and they have to aim for that could work well for some men too.

Male overspray in the loo??? Ya just gotta train them better, even our puppy is well trained



You can sit them down, aim for a ball ....

But you cannot stop them from having a shake at the end ;)

Of course the other alternative is to make him pee in a bottle and spray it along the fenceline to keep ferrel cats out ... apparently they think it is on the nose too.


ABBY  -- That's a good idea, spraying pee along the fence line to keep out ferrel cats, would it work for dogs as well?. My neighbours dog keeps digging under the fence and someone said to spray ammonia but that doesn't seem to work.

RAY -  Love that photo. My friends have trained their cat to use their outside loo to do it's business in. I find that rather yukky. It's just for the cat, not adults, I might add.
















Supposed to work on foxes too but do not know about dogs ?

Something to do with marking of territory .... perhaps the dog might just pee at the fence too instead of digging ??? Pass a bottle to all male visitors LOL

It works on foxes???? Fill up me bucket please!!!!

         Image result for large bucket


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