Quitting smoking

There are a lot of different ways we are told on how to stop smoking. Nicotine patches--expensive and does not always work. Medication from your doctor---side effects are not very nice. Hypnotherapy--most will say it does not work long term. For me Hypnotherapy worked from the first session and i haven't smoked since----that was 3years ago.I had no withdrawals or cravings and am not bothered by other people smoking around me [ apart from the smell of them ]. I saw a registered Clinical Hypnotherapist for 3 sessions which cost $300.I had my last ciggie just before I saw him and have never wanted to smoke since! So please don't give up trying to quit,you just need to find a good qualified Hypnotherapist.The only side effect is that food now has a taste.


Good God , he is delusional

The truth doesn't hurt me or anyone who is an honest person--only those who are full of themselves get hurt----feeling pain are we Davey????

We could pass the hat around and buy him a bandaid for his pain Toria but seriously its not worth the effort my friend. Just ignore it and eventualy like indigestion it will just disapear never to be missed......Lol Where are you from Toria,which state? wobbly

Sydney Nsw Wobbly and you?

Hobart Tasmania, I started my life in Perth,left for the N.T. at 27,Moved to beautiful Qld at 34 , retired to Tassie almost 8 years ago am now almost 67, widowed  7 years ago have 4 fabulous daughters and 7 very loved grandchildren aged 28 down to 3years old.It is very nice to have you join us here and it is also very nice that you seem to have a great sense of humor, you are very very welcome. If you look for the forum called a bit of fun you will find people chatting usualy in a very friendly way with a lot of wacky humor thrown in.We would love you to pop in and get to know us......wobbly

I'm divorced same age as you 2sons 44 & 46  4grandchildren and 2 great grandchilren!Lived in Sydney all my life have been to Tassie twice and would love to live there.Thank you for your kind words.I have a warped and wacky sense of humour and am enjoying reading all the remarks between you all.


I have just come across the following post put up by Davey and consider it  to be either a tongue in cheek comment at an attempt to be funny or if its a serious remark   then its quite an insane remark for him to make ............I suspect he is trying to join a conversation on a subject of which he know nothing and would be better off playing with his dolls ........


The more people that stop smoking will result in more taxes for us all to pay.

Keep on puffing folks and save us all from being slugged because I myself and the government don't care if you live or die.

A real friendly comment .............


You really are a boring silly old coot Clay.

You can't even put 2 plus 2 together together.

If Gambling / smoking /drinking taxes go down other taxes go up to pay for all of our useless governments.

Seggie. Hello Clay, nice to see you back again.  You've been missed. I gave Davey the biggest wooden spoon in the world a while ago.  After being in the world a lot longer than many of you, I wonder does he really believe what he types or does he do this just to stir us up?  Before you commence to read Davey's comments, put a wide grin on your face, a cup of coffee or tea plus some Tim Tams nearby. I wonder how old he is? Maybe he is just a youth or a sad disappointed lover?  Or both?  Keep the glass half full, Davey. It's so much better. Love to all.

Davey almost 70 in years but with the active body of a 40 year old.


Hi seggie and thank you...........I suspect that he kets his kicks by trying to be smart but from memory as Octopus he always did put his foot in his mouth quite often ..........As you say ......he trys to stir us up but he misses the mark with me and I can see you too and others in this fine forum

Have a nice day ..........clay


Yeah he's a real friendly fella!!! Cares about people as you can see from his comments!!!

Did someone say that his dog has more personality that he does................I bet he treats the little animal very poorly too 

So you think that I put my foot my mouth......I'd like to put my fist in your's grandpa

I am sorry for the smokers because it is an awful addiction, both psychological and otherwise and they are being made to feel they are second class citizens.  It is unfortunate there always has been a thread of critical judging, specifically that 'they' (smokers) are deserving of contempt, revulsion and punishment because they have an addiction to a legal product. Yet so many of the same critics would ban sniffer dogs for drugs and they support legalisation of drugs.

Even if the smokers are not addicted or are accepting of the risks as they understand them, that is no justification for the sledging they receive which should instead be direceted at the shareholders who make money from an unethical product (if they see it that way) and the hypocrisy of governments who depend on the tax revenue.

As a manager, now ex- :) , it was clear that the employees who were the most critical, vehement and forward critics of smokers wre also the ones who could always be relied upon (sic) to draw others' (alleged) failings to the attention of management.  They were the ones who carped and complained when smokers were allowed to attend quit smoking courses on work time or were allowed small concessions to cope with long work hours indoors and their habit.

The anti-smoking lobby was especially stupid through their inherent judgementalism of wmokers, because many of the large companies ayt the time were moving to allow all office workers a short break away from the desk every hour or so for other reasons.  The jealous carping criticism from the floor and from union delegates about smokers breaks put the kybosh on that.

The attention of the world's whingers, the people who spend most of their time minding someone else's business has now turned to obesity.  Of course a healthy lifestyle is desirable and will save sufering and tax dollars, but care needs to be taken to ensure that individual rights, not to mention respect and civility, are not trampled on as well.  There are some who are always waiting to do that.

Heh, heh, pardon my typos folks, these eye problems (and sadly lapsed grammar) continue.

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