Queensland Government electricity rebate

A message sent in by Clem of Queensland

Hello all!

The Govt smugly states it has protected the pensioner from the effect of the 15.7% hike in electricity in Qld. In a word, they haven't even gone close.
Below is the message I just forwarded to the Qld Govt Concessions section, but guess it will not achieve anything.

Good morning.

I just noticed the following hype on your webpage....
Queensland Government concessions
Increased electricity rebates for pensioners and seniors From July 1 the Queensland Government has increased the electricity rebate for eligible Queenslanders by more than 15% to a maximum of $190 per year.
Over half a million Queensland households already benefit from these rebates. It is important that all eligible Queenslanders access these savings.
If those who did the calculations feel that they have admirably covered the situation by protecting the pensioners from the almost 16% rise in electricity from 1st July, then their sums are very very flawed.
I am sending my calculations in the hope that someone might study them and then take action to make an increase to completely offset the electricity hike. THEN they can justly say they have protected the vulnerable from this increase.

Pension house before July 1... with electricity bill of $1200 a year...
Old rebate approx $165 a year, net cost to pensioner $1035 annually.
Pension house after July 1.... new electricity bill (1200 with over 15.6%
increase) is $1392 annually.
New rebate $190 a year. Net cost to pensioner is $1202 annually.
This still represents, after rebate, a bottom-line increase of over 16% on the pensioners electricity bill ($167).

How dare the Government mouth platitudes to the effect that the pensioners have been "looked after" and have been protected from the price hike?


I have also heard that the Queenslanders get an amount added to their Elect bill for the cost of ambulance ? Is this right ? does this also apply to pensioners there we in NSW get the ambulance for free--and if I travel to other States it only costs about $10 for cover for 6 months


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