Proud of Son

Like all mums, I am proud of my son.
He is a gentle country boy and doing well considering what life coughed up for him. Some of you may even know him, if you are one of the many Grey Nomads who travell this wide brown land. He is none other than country singer/songwriter Markus Meier. If you see him out there in a small country town or at a country music festival please say G'day to him. His new album is called Raindance.
I would love to hear from other proud mums and dads. What are your kids doing now?


I too am a proud Mum of 4 children. The eldest son has gone from starting an apprenticeship at age15 to owning one of the biggest butcher shops on Brisbane and is soon to retire at 50. The second son did his apprenticeship with me in my bakery and has now done his apprenticeship with my eldest son to become a butcher and helps run the shop.

My daughter has been a single Mum for 15 years and has raised her two great children on her own and is now in a well paid and highly responsible job in a company that will soon make her their Qld manager. My youngest son married very young and is still happily married. He drives a forklift and although he will always be just a worker I am as proud of him as if he owned the company. I am also proud to say that I know my kids love me as much as I do them. Marie

I,m a proud mum too. I have 4 kids now we lost a brother 2 years ago which we are still trying to come to grips with.

I brought my kids up on my own and they did have a hard life and i wasnt the best mother but they have all turned out kind considerate people and i think thats something to be proud of. I love them very much


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