Prostate Cancer

Just found out that my brother has Prostate Cancer, he was operated on last night.
I would appreciate any advice, feedback, thoughts about this from anyone who has been through this. Thanks. Mignon


I have know a few that have had this and one has had the operation--he is now impotent--

(can no longer get an erection) but he seems fine other than that--I guess it depends on how old he is / what stage the Cancer was at / etc.

he may also have to have radio and chemo treatment as well. Best wishes for him.

Google it and it will come up with lots of info

A couple of my friends have had it and impotance is the end result ............maybe not in every case as PB says

Do not be afraid to discuss the cancer with him.

A lot of people are afraid that if they mention it, the one with cancer will get depressed.

I would say that he would appreciate your concerns as cancer can be a lonely experience.

Ask him how he is feeling both physically and mentally.

Ask him how he feels about treatment. In general let him know that you are there to support him & that you care.

Yes as fwed said please be open to discuss things with him--so many are afraid and so leave the one suffering in a very lonely position sometimes they really need someone to talk to about what might be worrying them / how they are feeling / mentally and physically in other words they need a sounding board.

Many thanks for everyones supportive messages.It is such a shock .

My daughter is in remission and now my brother.

I can help her but hard to help a man .

Mignon, I feel for you as well it is very hard to have those you love go through such things. However don't feel that because he is a man and you a woman that you can't offer a shoulder--men sometimes try to keep their feelings hidden but they are hurting just as much as anyone else. When my Husband was dying and in dreadful pain he was encouraged to speak of how he felt and often broke down and cried and we cried with him and we also laughed with him, we always tried to be where he was at the time.

My niece, who was diagnosed with breast cancer, and had a mastectomy, didn't want to discuss it. Then, a year later, had another diagnosis of cancer in the other breast. She wrote that she still didn't want to discuss it. To her it was her private business. She underwent another surgery, but died two weeks later. I guess it depends on each individual person. We can only respect each person's wishes.

Very true Bev--each to their own and you have to respect that

Thanks everyone for the input , but what I was really looking for was anyone who had first -hand experience with Prostate cancer, either as a patient or their partner.


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