Power of Attorney

I have just gone through the experience of organizing my mother's affairs after she had a sudden stroke and will need to be moved into a high care nursing home. Mum did not have a Enduring Power of Attorney in place making it necessary for me to obtain an Administrative and Guardianship Order in order to do simple things like paying bills, redirecting the mail and accessing her bank accounts.... This prompted me to make sure I have things better organized for my affairs if it becomes necessary. If you are a land/property owner in Western Australia then the Enduring Power of Attorney must be lodged with LANDGATE, a Government Department. Two original copies of the EPA are required, along with a registration fee of $88. These must be lodged within 3 months of the EPA being signed. LANDGATE register the documents and return one of the originals...I know that many of us put off these kinds of things thinking... "I'll get around to it....." My mum was an active woman, belonged to 3 or 4 clubs... Her life changed overnight... and I know the last thing she wanted to do was put a burden on her children... I hope this story might be useful for other and save someone a lot of stress for their loved ones....
Regards Dave from WA


I am very sorry to hear about your Mother--and yes no one knows when something like this will happen--life can change so quick--thank you for bringing it to our attention--(also best wishes)

Thanks Dave and very good advice too ..........clay

My mother is 89, had Alzhiemers disease (early stages) and went into low care 16 months ago. Luckily my brother, sister and I arranged for enduring power of attorney when she was assessed. She is very happy in her "new home" and I handle all her financial and other affairs. I am also lucky that my siblings and I agree on Mum's welfare and there are no arguments.

I have arranged for my son to have power of attorney if anything happens to us.

You are right Dave, it certainly saves so much hassle to arrange it even if your consider you won't need it for a long time.

Gives you peace of mind.


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