Poll Results: Who will older Australians vote for on August 21?

The following 13 issues were listed under four general themes of Family and Health, Environment, Economy and Communication.

The respondents listed the following thirteen policy areas, from the single most important issue to least important.
1. Increased hospital services & beds
2. General economic competence
3. Sustainable population growth and management
4. Mental health initiatives
5. Infrastructure planning and spending
6. Jobs support for workers aged 50+
7. National Broadband Network
8. E-health services
9. Carbon Emissions Trading Scheme
10. Simpler superannuation
11. Increased Super Guarantee Contribution to 12%
12. Govt enforced internet filters
13. Paid Parental leave

When asked, Will you vote for one party specifically because of their policy on one of the above issues? They responded:
Yes: 69.8%
No: 30.2%

When asked, If yes, which party? They responded:

Labor: 41.2%
Liberal: 42.8%
Greens: 7.4%
National Party: 3.0%
Other: 5.6%

And the last point of note? On Tuesday August 10 poll respondents had recorded a 60% vote for the Liberal Party. During the course of the week this eroded to 42.8%, with the poll being closed at 4pm on Thursday August 12. Is this the swing back the Labor Party had been hoping for?

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Perhaps the older Australians who have slipped back to supporting Labor will change their minds when they read Robert Gottliebsen's 3 excellent articles - Labor's Pension Pinching, Pensions-Tax by Stealth, and Sorry, Labor, but Pension Spin Won't Win - found on the Business Spectator website. A real eye-opener!

At the last election the CPRS later called the ETS was described as the greatest moral challenge of our time or words similar. Because its a TAX Gillard has gone quiet.

Now in 2010 the ETS has slipped to 9th and even the much touted NBN is only rated 7th on the single most important issue. I can understand the ETS because its all BS but the NBN lowly position is either because people are asleep at the wheel or are grossly ignorant and accept the crap being told them.

The cost of being connected to this super fast scheme will cost, according to industry experts, in the [b]hundreds of dollars [/b] which is too rich for me folks, and why Gillard has made NO mention of the user cost AND the mandatory filter that will come with it.

Interesting that Pensioners have not been mentioned at all, because Gillard thinks we are on easy street.

I sent emails to all the leaders of the parties asking what they are going to do for pensioners, as I have not heard us mentioned once yet. I received 1 reply and that was from the Labor party. They said how much we have already been given and how much better off we are now but no mention of anything forthcoming in a positive way. I answered their email and said had you read my first email asking what you are going to do for us you would have read that I acknowledged the lift we received and were most grateful for it. But what they have to realize is that it does not stop there. One step up the ladder does not get us to where we should be now. We have had more than a decade of neglect with decent rises in our pension, so this makes us as far down the ladder you can possibly be. We need constant rises to bring us to a level we should have been at had we received regular decent increases to keep up with all the rises that have hit us over the last decade. I won't go into all of them as we all know how much things have gone up. Everything just about except our pension.

We are a large voting group and I believe the first party that comes up with a positive lift up for us will get our votes, then see what happens. It is disgraceful the way we have been treated and I desperately wish every one of us would shout about it. Why do the majority just sit there and take it? I have advocated here on the North Coast NSW for years for rises and have tried to get the pensioners moving if only by using their hands and phoning or writing to the parties and let them know we are unhappy about this. But they want others to do it for them and I have got very dejected by their attitudes.

If we don't speak up we will never be heard.

I may be proven to be wrong but I think that this is an election that we have never seen the like of before.

We have female prime minister and who is hoping for election.

The has not happened here before.

Approximately 50% of the population are female and I am sure that a female will be more trustworthy a than a male because they will treat the position with respect.

Most females are aware of Abbott's views on the rights of females and his attitude to them.

This is an election that will be decided by our lady voters and it is about time too.

NB. Octopus is a male who understands our ladies as well as a male can without changing gender.

Go for it girls and run this country for all Australians.

I couldn't vote for Gillard, she is arrogant ,sly ,and loose with the truth,and she knifed her friend in the back,what would she do to her enemies



The Prime Minister of Australia whether you like her or you do not like her you should be grown up enough to show some respect

To accuse some one to be loose with the truth meaning that the Prime Minister is a liar perhaps you can tell us all where she has lied to us It is very easy to type some thing on this page and you are not accountable for what you say


Oh!! Jessei and I couldn't vote for Abbott he will do and say anything to get ellected, here are just a couple of his quotes. " paid parental leave, over my dead body",work choices, good for the workers good for the country. How can anyone trust this man???

fred, under normal circumstances, your comment might be reasonable. It is a well know debating tactic to challenge your opponents statements and call for "examples" to support them. This is often done on matters that are either common public knowledge or self evident to most people.

Politicians lie, Julia Gillard Lies........ they ALL LIE. If you dont know and understand that, you have a poor grasp of the workings of the political system. Their only rule is "dont get caught" and they will do or say ANYTHING to get elected.

Lynsylvie what another Labor plant ???? you can't be answering me because I am


Lynsylvie what another Labor plant ???? you can't be answering me because I am



mmmm, still trying to work that one out.

bluebutterfly. Do you have a web address for the articles you mentioned. Would like to read these.

I notice Gillard always say " I will do .... this or that " and "I did ... this or that" etc. and Abbott says " "we will.." etc. so Julia I believe you were behind the demise of Kevin Rudd yourself.

I would rather have the "We" than the "I"

and yes a very valid point on the user cost of the new superfast cable broadband. I dont think there will be any pensioners able to afford the cost of this service so I will just plod along with the broadband I have now.

Hi Macsworx,

Business Spectator website.....www.businessspectator.com.au. Type "pensions" in the search engine to find the articles I mentioned.

You will probably be astounded at the sly way Labor has dealt with the pension matter, boasting about the "big increase in pensions" and then taking it all back. It certainly made me very angry at their deception.

You may have to register to read some articles, but this is simple - and free.

[url=http://www.yourlifechoices.com.au/index.php/the_meeting_place/viewthread/2328/]Link to thread on pensions.[/url]

Also, go to the main Meeting Place page and scroll down to GOVERNMENT/CENTRELINK.

BigVal and Innes have posted lots of information.

Oh!! Jessei and I couldn't vote for Abbott he will do and say anything to get ellected, here are just a couple of his quotes. " paid parental leave, over my dead body",work choices, good for the workers good for the country. How can anyone trust this man???

Julia Gillard was 100% behind Kevin Rudd, her own words, and was deputy leader for much of the time in the first 18 months of the current term. So therefore presided along with him over all the disasters implemented and planned by Rudd.

Also, why is it so BAD to change one's mind? Why is it bad when a conservative politician changes his/her mind, but not so when a Labor person does?

I can guarantee I've changed my mind over the years countless times, as I've learned. Are we robots to be programmed at birth to only have one train of thought? Never to use our intellect, or brain power

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