Politicians, a 'waste of oxygen' , for which we pay.

One by one I saw politicians from both sides of the fence fly over the Great Barrier Reef to view a ship aground on a coral reef. Of course it is disasterous and the guilty should be punished, but, what is the point of the flyover? We saw it daily/nightly on the news, why couldn't they? There are extremely competent people handling the situation very well.
What is the cost of hiring planes and helicopters by these 'stickybeaks', to the taxpayer?
They should be sitting in their offices on their fat salary backsides, considering ways to to help the people who put them in office, ways to make living easier for the blood, sweat and guts people who make/made Australia great.
I am peeved when I see certain politicians on TV in hard hats and orange/yellow safety vests wandering around building sites and tunnels and wasting time, topped by no constructive input whatsoever.
We pay them to oversee and improve our lifestyle and interests. In the private sector their time-wasting joy-rides would result in immediate dismissal.

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Yes indeed

I couldn't agree more, I guess they like to be "seen" to be doing something when they aren't really doing anything

The reason Gizmo is that they are out there being 'seen to be doing something'. Which equates to bugger-all. Even Bob Brown had a fly over, now what was he going to do, shake his handbag at the ship?

As I pointed out in another post, I thought it was paramount to lay out booms to stop the oil spreading but it took almost a week to do this because of the Easter shut-down and the only people moving were boat people.

I also note that imbecile Garrett as Minister for the Environment took almost a week to stick up his ugly head and make (meaningless) comment how worried we all are. Oh Really?

One day we may have a disaster in this country so great that our now full hospitals certainly wont be able to cope nor our emergency services (until Christine Nixon stuffs her face) and numerous other services who now only pay lip service to their job due to lack of numbers through funding and sit idly by having cups of tea while their sparkling new uniforms are pressed.

Me a pessimist? Yes but a realist

All this criticism of everyone makes me depressed.

Even Politicians are people and must do something right.

Pessimists are certainly what a lot of you are here Tanwin. Seems

there is little empathy for anyone just doom and gloom. What ever happend to

having a bit of commonsense sometimes and just now and again

say something positive about someone.

I agree with others who say Christine Nixon had to eat for goodness sake

What's with this "Stuffing her face" thing?

Mostly negative - hardly ever positive comments.

I agree with you Yaretzi.

If the politican has a look at the problem - they are wasting money by doing so.

If they don't have a look - they should as the minister.

Obviously they can never win no matter what they do or don't do.

But fwed, if we were not "laying the boot" into our politicians, we may not be so nice to each other..... At least they soak up some of the rage.

BUT But but why is it so?

Have we lost the art of being pleasant or at least fair.

There is criticism of our Governor General for being too thin...

While Christine Nixon is being treated rudely for being voluptuous and

in the main by women.


I can only say when we all meet up, those doing all this criticising better

"scrub up well" ;-)

well Phyl I scrub up pretty good , all the young fellows I know don't think I am 79 years old ,they take another look and they can't believe it


well Phyl I scrub up pretty good , all the young fellows I know don't think I am 79 years old ,they take another look and they can't believe it


Hmm so a "Scrubbed up jessej for our next Governor General?


yes zapot I will accept the job

You are a dag Jessej..........................................:)

:-) So Phyl and jessej are going to ????? Scrub Up ?????

Looks like a bloke will have to become a "Collar and Tie man" :gulp:

Can I borrow your tie Zapot? :lol: Mine went to Vinnie's! :-) You know who said it was too old and scruffy :question:

Sorry Jaxx and Zapot I can't help with a tie , but you have to be clean shaven to take Phy land I out



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