Parliament’s first gay marriage proposal

After Australia’s long-awaited same-sex marriage bill was introduced into the House of Representatives on Monday, Liberal MP Tim Wilson proposed to his partner, Ryan, from the floor.

The proposal was made at the end of Wilson's same-sex marriage speech, when he turned to thank Bolger — who was sitting with marriage equality advocates in the public gallery — for his support.

“You have had to tolerate more than most because you have had to put up with me. Trust me! This debate has been the soundtrack to our relationship. We both know this issue isn't the reason we got involved in politics — give us tax reform any day,” Wilson said.

“But in my first speech I defined our bond by the ring that sits on both of our left hands. And that they are the answer to the question we cannot ask. So there's only one thing left to do. Ryan Patrick Bolger, will you marry me?”

Watch the video to see what happened next:

What marriage advice would you offer the newly-engaged couple?


Relax enjoy your relationship but maintain separate interests .

Awww, what nice advice from a happily married person.


This was so beautiful to a rule I do not give "marriage advice"..however..someone read this quote at my I'm passing it on to the happy couple...


                       Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
                       Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
                       Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
                       Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf
                       Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
                       Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. 

                                               Kahlil Gibran

was that from your first wedding or the fourth ?

Quite silly, where is this country headed. Now try to object to breast feeding in parliament.

Parliament is not the place for the proposal the marriage, or the honeymoon. It is there for the governing of the country

I agree wholeheartedly, parliament is not the place for any marriage proposal gay or otherwise. 

I will approach my member of parliament to represent my views if they want my vote again with the next election. 


Not withstanding any marriage rights, this was grandstanding in the extreme. The right for people of the same sex to marryis not yet law and the use of the Parliament floor for personal gain is shabby and in this case a tad premature. No wonder the boyfriend was gobsmacked. So were we.

I spent a considerable amount of time volunteering for the YES vote but even I found Wilson’s silly, publicity seeking  marriage proposal embarrassing and totally inappropriate. I’d like the government to stop playing games and just get on with government of this country. Far too much time on all sides of politics has been spent on political point scoring - just pass the legislation, even Abbott acknowledges that it should be passed. 24 hours of debate is ridiculous especially since the House of Reps is almost empty until there is a vote and anyway  it is clear that all these amendments won’t get through because the Cross-benches have said they will vote against them all and anyway at least 3 Libs will cross the floor.  This is costing tax payers a bundle for absolute stuff all. 

I am glad to see that some of you have seen through this act of exhibitionism in Parliament, a place where the country is supossed to be governed. How people governs their own live is their bussiness and not a political act or decission.

I am all for same sex marriage but I think there is a time and a place for marriage proposals of any kind and Parliament is not it.

The individual lifes of politicians are of no interest to me or to anyone really, except maybe the gossip mongers and as long as they are not offenssive to the public (which sometimes they are) they should be private as ours are.

I found the proposal inadequate and rude and completely out of contest in a place where  the interest of the people should be considered over the whims of any individual politician.

The marriage proposal did not annoy me as much as the senator who decided to breast feed her baby in Parliament. I wish they would all just get on with the jobs they are paid to do.


Women can multi task KIAH, unlike us men. The only contradiction to that statement seems to be that they can't have a headache and make love at the same time.

What a self indulgent person Wilson is. His job is to help run the country while he is in parliament. He can deal with his personal issues in his own time.

What a lot of old grumps , 

it took up about ten secs of an emotional speech saying how his partner had stuck with him during the emotional process of ushering the bill through . 

Two young people committing to each other good on em .

Can you tell me how many hetersexual proposals there have been during this or any other sitting of Parliamant and made from the floor of the Chamber?




Does it mattet

Just want to make sure equality is for all sides and special treatment not reserved for just one!

One thing you can say about men though, they don't mind where they receive a proposal. Soon we'll be having the feminists doing their bit. Jeepers what is Parliament coming to. We're having love ins, feed ins, what next, LOL

Ms Wong could be next!

Don 't tell me she'll be getting married in Parliament, ye gods!!

raphael, poor old thea is still dreaming about the frog turning into a prince when she kissed it, instead it turned into a nightmare when the frog woke up!

Micha it does not matter what name you post under your attacking women and gays continues.

Heems -looks like Thea’s frogs turned into a slimy lizard 


I am not "poor" neither am I "old"...neither would bother me anyway heemskerk 99...

You take offence because I wish Tim Wilson happiness? Why? Are you jealous because someone is happy? With your attitude, I am not surprised your Prince never arrived...

By the Prince arrived a long time ago and because I am happy.. I wish Tim and his husband to be happiness also...

Good luck Tim and Ryan....

Image result for tim wilson and his boyfriend

Thea the hypocrite - after all that vitriol she spewed against SSM 

From someone who is unsure if it is female or male is writing a book on the history of Australia on a 40 ft yacht who’s crew is gay , 

whist at 38 has children who are Jewish doctors in Harley St and has grandchildren who are artistic genius 

In the meantime has time to hunt goats in the back blocks of NSW 

zMeanwhile my husband Yhe Liberal member and best friend of Julie . Is the most wonderful man with property in Albany and London .

their is an old term WANKER 


Well said Thea.

Confucius says, change your mind, change the world and if you can't do that, then get back in cave.

Man, how  hate it when the chihuahua starts yapping. Time for bed yet Peter???

No Micha as long as you attract women and gays I will be here to expose  you  no matter what name you use .

OK, in that case you'll need a fortified glass of parsley wine to keep you going Peter.

Image result for chihuahua wine

Have fun, I'm off to have another glass of Cabernet Merlot before dinner.

Who cares what you do Sonny 

Quote Brocky " No Micha as long as you attract women and gays I will be here"

which are you Brocky/Pete??? you seem very "attracted" LOL

“Well said Thea.

Confucius says, change your mind, change the world and if you can't do that, then get back in cave”

then if you are man or woman enough, you should apologise to Robi

I thought it was inappropriate and in fact, I hate these public marriage proposals at anytime,  its just an attention getting action

poor old tea, still does not know the difference between a prince and a princess


She prefers frogs and toads 

her imaginary husbands ,Reagen(frog) and Ray (toad) being just 2 of them 


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