ORGANIC food does not have greater nutritional value

[quote]ORGANIC food does not have greater nutritional value than conventionally grown food, a major University of Sydney study has found.

In a result that will provoke dismay and anger in the organics industry, the study's authors found that food grown without pesticides or herbicides should not be promoted as healthier because there was no evidence to show that it contained more nutrients than normal food.

And the author of the report went further, recommending consumers stick with commercially grown fruit and vegetables because they are cheaper and, therefore, people could eat more of them.[/quote]


Yeah right and so opens the market up to more and more Chinese grown veggies and fruit grown in untreated human waste (shite) and garnered with DDT Dildrin and other cancer causing chemicals found along with E Coli.

Of course the nutrients remain the same it is the chemicals that cause the problems to health not nutrients.

But then we are dumbed down into believing it to be true if an academic says so or a scientist - yeah right - they couldn't possible by saying anything wrong at all now could they. No one thinks its may also be just because they might not get a salary increase or even lost their jobs or ruin career advancement if they said something different to the agenda.

As we have found to be the case with AGW/Climate change where they lied and manipulated the figures to try to fool us all and even today many are still convinced it is happening when we know it was a con job to make us all pay heaps more for energy.

Not a lot of hope for the human race in reality so much corruption and greed has stolen away consciences, morals and ethics.

All for the world to become one huge market of consumers making ever growing huge profits for the few.

I too think it is not so much whether there is more nutritional value in organic food it is the very fact that it has not been grown on , in , with chemicals.

As a matter of fact for the benefit for the land and the animals we should be encouraging more and more organic food be grown, the price would also then come down.

I always tell my daughter, now you have university degree, its time to start learning***

I don't think growers of organic food claim that it is necessarily more nutritional - just that it has not been treated with chemicals. Of course you can achieve the same effect by growing your own in your backyard.

The experts have been telling us for years, you are what you eat.

So I am a bag of chemicals*

Well have any of you eaten organic food? It sure tastes much better than what you buy from Wollies or Foodland. I will not buy any thing that comes from china, god only knows what it has been through. So there fore organic is better for you, as you are what you eat!!!

How true except that it is too expensive. In times past, everything was organic. You dug up poo of animals and you spread it all over, you dug over grasses and vegetation and it fed and supported the soil. And things grew.

Why is it that Chanaese garlic is nice and big while Australian is a miserable small and expensive.

If they are using poo human or animal maybe it is better than all the toxic chemicals? - path OZ is taking.

I agree organic stuff in the supermarkets is very expensive as it is at any organic store. I think if enough people started demanding organic from whichever outlet the prices may come down as there would be more growers entering the market.

As far as to why the chinese garlic is big and white as against the smaller australian organic garlic I have no idea.

We can not truthfully call what we grow in our own garden as organic because we do not know what chemicals may have seeped into the soil from our neighbours, what I do if I happen to have a couple fo extra capsicums or tomatoes to give away is say that I never put fertiliser on my plants, only water -which can be what I collected in the bucket in the shower, in the sink in the laundry and when doing the clothes washing I collect what I can and put that on not only the vegies but my plants in the garden too.

If the governments were dinkum in trying to improve the health of the people of this country they would help farmers to go organic.

If I pee on my lemon tree are the lemons organic.

I have no neighbors living out in the sticks so it is easy to do this.

A little pee in the compost bin along with the doggie do's from the lawn also helps it to break down into a good useable product.

I grow vegetables all the year round.


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