OK, so I'm dumb.

I'm just about to go broadband, via tadaust. They say I can have 12G, broken up into various time zones - that I can understand, but, so far, this month I have used 333,426,127 download and 12,556,123 in upload. Have I exceeded the limit? Please be quite gentle with me - I'm just a beginner.


Wish you all the luck Bev.

I am on dial-up and peace of mind as a bonus.

Unlimited downloads, 5hr. cut off time and can get back on again.

And all this for $9.90 a month.....

And all this for $9.90 a month.....


Gee thats good I am On dial up too with AAPT and I have unlimted downlaods--but I pay $24-95 per month---who are you with Mara ? --and do you get good support from them ?

Also can some one answer Bev's question please

I am with Netbay Internet. They are in melbourne but with 1300 no. no problem communicating.

When my computer broke down they sent me lots of stuff how to get it back working.

Went to public library downloaded the stuff and it was great help.

I pay for it online but can also Westpack.


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