Now you will be force fed Iodine in bread

We have to make a bit of fun at times or weep for the stupidity of the times we live in.

Iodine: the newest ingredient in bread

Posted 3 hours 34 minutes ago 9/10/09

Australians will now be getting extra iodine in their bread, as the mandatory iodine fortification regulation comes into force today.

New standards which force bakers to use Iodised salt instead of regular salt have been developed because of a growing iodine deficiency.

Professor Chris Eastman from Sydney University says it will take time for the change to have an impact on health outcomes and even then, some people will still need more iodine.

"We've still got a problem with regard to pregnant women and breast feeding women, so they're going to have to do more than just eat bread to correct the deficiency," he said.

"We are strongly recommending that all pregnant women should take extra iodine through an iodine supplement, and that will correct the problem for them."

Australian Thyroid Foundation president Beverley Garside says adding iodised salt to bread is important for the nation's health.

"Without iodine your thyroid will not make enough hormone and therefore our body won't have enough energy to function," she said.

"It also can be very important in the development of a newborn baby. Without a mother having enough thyroid hormone the brain development of the newborn can be impaired."

She says over the last decade Australians have been shown to have an iodine deficiency.

"We were getting it through our milk supply and that was because the dairy industry was cleaning their milking equipment with iodine, which isn't happening as much as it was," she said.

"So we need to make sure that everybody includes iodine on a daily basis because our body doesn't store it."

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) says the new regulations will improve the health of Aboriginal babies.

AMA's Territory branch president Paul Bauert says Indigenous babies are three times more likely to die than non-Indigenous infants and he's hoping the iodine fortification will help address that.

"Although we haven't seen any large numbers of babies born who are severely iodine deficient over the years, it's the subtle changes that are important," he said.

"I think anything that we can do that gives babies the best chance and the best start in life is really worth doing and this is based on very sound scientific evidence and the AMA welcomes it." [/quote]

Watch out for rashes on children and adults on Iodine overload if you eat a healthy diet and therefore dont need to be force fed.

Tasmania hasn't had iodine free bread for about 8 years since Labor decided we needed it because many do not feed their children a healthy diet. Now it is because pregnant women don't eat correctly seemingly too. Many smoke so what legislation will they bring in for that? Of course they could ban tobacco and go without the billions in revenue from the very high tax on smokes - around $8 on a $10 pack is tax.

So since we know that kids only eat white bread - they tell us on the ads daily - why not just put it in that and let those of us who eat good grain non white bread use Ionised salt if we need more iodine.

Rosemary Stanton said at the time Tasmania started on this that it would led to skin rashes etc and she is recognised as being one of the best in nutrition if not the best.

Welcome to the invigorated Nannie State of the Rudd era which intends to legislate to make the majority so sick of their interference that even the less well informed or not so bright or all of the above who vote for them may one day wake up and say enough is enough.

Pray for that day or weep when the ETS adds 40% to everything single thing we eat as power will be put up by 40% and that will be passed on in the prices we pay.

Mind you the Liberals may not be any better as long as they keep the ambitions millionaire they have in charge currently who is a leftie anyway and probably should have joined the Labor party.

Blooming heck where is Pauline when we need her!
Or any party who has common sense and want to govern in the public interest and not for big business and political correctness (meaning back pockets of the politicians come first after the donations to keep them in power of course)

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Blooming heck where is Pauline when we need her!


Yep the only one that spoke any sense--she said what most are/were thinking

We sure are turning into a Nanny state--and already the Water rates have gone up--mine were $72 + more this time than last and I used less--- and BIG deal we were given an extra $12 pension rebate=--the raise we got last pension day has gone WAY b4 we got it

As an elderly lady who has suffered for years with an overactive thyroid condition ,I wonder about it. At the moment I have bloodtests every two months to keep my medication in check.

I know the powers that be say it wont affect those with thyroid problems, but, who has done any longterm checks to see the truth in that. In my case it would not take much extra iodine to throw my medication out.

Oh well, thank goodness I bought the breadmaker, I will continue eating my homebaked grain bread ,but feel sorry for those who have to worry.

Thank God that my father never read any of this crap, or he would never have made it to 94. Perhaps I should worry. I am a young 70, BUT I don't eat bread, it doesn't mix with my "Wild Turkey".

Thank God that my father never read any of this crap, or he would never have made it to 94. Perhaps I should worry. I am a young 70, BUT I don't eat bread, it doesn't mix with my "Wild Turkey".


LOL Yes makes you wonder how they ever survived with all the eggs full cream milk and lead paint and bread and dripping

Not only all that, but I built my first house out of fibro which I cut & sawed when I was 20. But, of course, I didn't know it would kill you then!!!!

I am back on full cream pasturised only and no homogenised milk for the last year and a half and feel better for it too.

Good for babies and calves to build up their cells and bad for us - I don't think so! Must help our old cells to make new ones too! surely.

Most likely the way they have mucked the milk around first homogenising it which means they stick the fat and protein together to supposedly make it not go off - when it does and I have found that the old fashioned full cream rising to the top pasteurised only milk goes way past its sell by date so why did they do it?

Being a cynic and seeing more and more the corrupt practices and greed going on all around us - I suspect they make more money out of it and they do add something to it and it is not pure milk from the cow any longer.

So if you can get this old fashioned milk and we have a few dairies, 2 local, doing it and bottling themselves instead of selling for peanuts to Pura milk who do everthing to take cream out to make cheese and butter and so sell both ways -owned by National foods which is owned in turn by Kirin who are Japanese and out to milk every cent of profit excuse the pun! Just paid out dairy farmers only 20c a litre for their milk and sell it for more than the pasturised only milk when they are getting the cream out of it to sell on anyway.

Low fat pasteurised only is cheaper than the rubbish they call low fat which has had the fat and protein stuck together anyway so how can they take off the cream anyway and if you look on the label they add skimmed milk powder and water and it is thin and weak whereas the old fashioned milk is tasty just no cream so no fat and one bloke who has also been on it since they started dling in March08 reckons his cholesterol is a lot lower and he stopped taking the statin pill and has come down lower with this and plant sterols in his margarine spread which is costly (someone else getting greed over helping out folk) and taking all sorts of natural stuff h ehas found on the internet which lowers it - like lecithin granules which is a natural statin type stuff which they make the pills from he reckons but with no such horrible side effects. He has all the blokes in the Club starting on it and buying the better milk etc. After all - most of the medicines we take are manufactured following discoveries of natural plants and shrubs which ahve cured us over thousands of years found in jungles etc. so why not try natural indeed and no side effects.

had a look yesterday and low fat milk that is only pasteurised is $4.16 for 2 litres whereas Pura is $4.90!!!!!!

To be honest I don't know if iodine comes in any other foods except fish.

But since having cancer I've learnt bit about all sorts of things...iodine is the best for killing parasites, fungi, microbes, candida, and this is what cancer and other diseases feed on. I take drops of pure iodine (not the iodine tincture you put on the wounds) 6 drops four times a day do not have any rashes or side effects. If a person should sense side effects, should start with couple of drops and then build up.

The best link I can give is of a naturopath also a professional research chemist who has worked overseas etc. best be informed and if you have any health problems, Google 'walter last' and then the problem whatever it is - i.e. walter last iodine

Mara - it is found in seafood, eggs and veggies and if you eat a normal diet with fish three times a week will never need extra iodine. Also of course many older folk take glucosamine for their arthritis which is taken straight from fish (shark) so have extra omega 3 or the iodine needed in that - taking more CAN lead to a rash in some folk.

If you dont have enough of the above for some reason then using iodised salt can make up any deficiency.

No need whatsoever to put into the bread for every single person to have to have it regardless just because most of the young mums don't feed their kids a balanced diet or takeaways because the never got taught to cook or any nutrition or domestic science due to political correctness saying that girls cannot be taught this as it would lower their self esteem.

Here is a good link - easy to find you just google the word 'Iodine'.

Good link Bigval.

It appears Japanese are the healthiest people and it is because of their high intake of fish.

I don't understand why is fish so expensive in Aus.

Good link Bigval.

It appears Japanese are the healthiest people and it is because of their high intake of fish.

I don't understand why is fish so expensive in Aus.

If the Japanese are healthy through eating a lot of fish, (and therefore getting more iodine in their diet), does that mean iodized salt in bread will be good for us in the long run???

One reason is that our fishermen are limited to 151 days per annum to fish.

whereas others can fish 24/365.

Best fish for Omega 3 is Mackeral and these days only place tofind it in a 425g tin is woolworth's own brand at $1.39 and it is good eating - not quite the quality of the brand I used to buy but we have fish 3 times a week and this is of the the times and cheap for 2 - have it on toast for lunch mashed in brown vinegar with pinch of salt and black pepper. YUM.

all seafood has Omega 3 which clears out the arteries of bad cholesterol if eaten 3 times a week - living proof is mine 3.9 total and I eat lots of eggs, cheese and drink 2 litres of pasteurised full cream non homogenised milk and 1 litre of cream per week right now and in the winter too with strawberries/raspberries fresh or frozen as one of my 2 fruits a day! YUM. All this above is supposed to make one have lots of nasty bad cholesterol.

Horses for courses but our grandparents ate fresh foods and lots of dairy etc and lived a lot longer and healthier - mine did anyway past 100

Thats the whole point -if you eat a healthy diet which has fish and other foods which give you iodine and even if you don't like fish - you can use iodised salt.

So why punish the majority for a minority who do not take care of their own health - that is the point actually.

Did you say mackarel (???) in a can? Sounds good. I must admit besides sardines I do not buy fish. But I do not have young children. If mothers do not buy fish for children they can become deficient. So children will suffer. I suppose Govt. wants to make sure that children will not suffer.

Bit of iodine in salt will not overdose anybody.

What is of much greater concern is all the other pesticides and fungicides and preservatives they put into our food. I can buy lettuce 2 weeks old that looks fresh. But is it fresh? How much goodness is left in it. I had a raspberry juice kept in the fridge for ages. As I did not like it and wondered how come it has not gone off, took it out of the fridge and watched. It took another month before some scam started to form. God know what htey put into it.

To top it all: orange juice 99% freshly sqeezed and imported concentrate.

Somebody please tell me, is it 1% fresh or 2% or 3%

I'll have to agree with Mara on this one. I don't think the iodized salt in bread will make any difference at all to the majority of the population. I certainly won't be rushing down the street yelling "I'm Doomed" over this.

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