Mistake on a mast

*Geoffs Blog*

When Peter Garrett or Penny Wong blurb on our media about the virtues of Solar Power I have the “chuck bucket” ready. Have either of them a solar installation? A real one? I doubt it. If they had they would have experienced the total and utter unreliability of solar and wind where there is no back connection to the grid.

I guess that on the farm we have spent close to $70,000 for an installation using professionals all the way only to find that the equipment, the batteries, the exposure to the elements makes this a very dubious technology indeed. As part of our installation we had two wind turbines. Not only did they keep us and the neighbours awake at night, they became victims of lightning which struck at the very core of our system and took significant money and time to re-asses and replace.

That’s not the only thing. Over- zealous sales people (who talk more like religious fanatics than green-power professionals) sold us the wrong batteries for our installation, gave us, and recommended, an installer whose work had to be redone, etc, etc, ad nauseam. So P.G & P.W, get some first hand experience before you become such evangelists. The solar/wind cost per KW hour is something, which, if applied to a suburban household will have our beloved Kevin out on his ear in no time.

And another thing, as I was out preparing the mast for the new wind generator there was certainly no global warming, it was just above 0 degrees and the windchill reminded me of my time in the snows of Canada. So all in all, P.G and P.W for me, your credibility gets lower by the minute. It was probably not enhanced by my mood because I had to adjust the old wind mast guides to accommodate a new, heavier mast. My mistook. Grumble. Grumble. Fumble. Fumble.

Which, now I’m sitting in the comfort of the house at the computer, seems a little unfair (but only maybe) because here I am, taking out my frustrations on our elected’s who are probably easy targets.
And I am reminded of the parable about a man who owed a king’s ransom and who begged for time to pay from the monarch. Not only was he given time to pay, but the debt was wiped.

However, once out of the king’s presence, he saw a person who owed him a tiny debt, just enough to get him into court. Which he duly does and sells the family of the small debtor into penury and prison. This is observed by some of the king’s other servants and they duly report it. Where upon the tables are turned.

Perhaps I should grant P.G. and P.W. a little more slack. My green power frustrations are my business not theirs. I’m sure they mean well. However I do have a question of them.

At dinner last night we had a guest who works at a coal fired power station. He bulldozes the coal into the station. 25,000 tons per day. Assuming no CO2 capture or advanced technology, and being generous in that one ton of coal produces one ton of CO2 (it’s up to 3 times that), if Kevin, P.G and P.W set the carbon price at $20 per ton, that power station is going to be paying a tax to the aforementioned of $500,000+ per day ($182,000,000 p.a) to operate. What is that going to do for power bills? Is it my imagination or is the hoax on us because of some “ expert” scientists and the economist’s report?

We may all find ourselves owing a king’s ransom just for power and petrol to satisfy the government’s desire to lead the world in what is demanded of them by the global warming high priests who may be proven wrong when the ice age approaches in the next decade.. I somehow suspect that we won’t be getting our debts forgiven.


Comment from AboutSeniors Subscriber - David

My simple reply seems so insignificant to the great dialog written by you. The (and any western government) has only one answer to any problem, TAX IT! It doesn't work but it looks like they are trying to do something. Worked well with alco-pops didn't it, the last report is the kids are drinking more. Australia basically invented solar power, the government back then sent them packing (pretty much like the Sarich orbital engine, and the Australian invented gun that only allowed the owner to use (electronic smart stuff, all gone to the USA). Big business buys it up, the government is too thick to realize, and the technology that is right now available is in the hands of the power supplier giants.

So they think taxing giant power suppliers will hurt them and make them be cleaner? The government thinks they won't pass on the costs? The world will be much cleaner because the government won’t have to print more money because they've got all of ours? I have no idea what they are thinking but unless they can offer a viable alternative it is just another giant tax grab which will fund nothing but more committees to study how they can do nothing.

Has anyone heard how much power is generated by waves? Yes the ocean, day in day out for millions of years just keeps going and a few countries have harnessed this to create electricity. How big is our coastline and the waves keep pounding in. If the government is hell bent on trying to reduce green house gasses, perhaps they could go to Holland (I think that's one of the countries using 'wave' power) and find out how we could stop digging coal.

Comment from AboutSeniors Subscriber - Ellie

Geoff, I enjoyed your blog immensely.

I well remember the sound of our two domestic sized wind turbines howling like approaching aircraft. One flew off the roof and crashed, thankfully away from the house.

I have to say that I'm more impressed by solar, but here I agree with you that connection to the grid is probably the way to go where possible. I hate the batteries. Apart from being expensive, I feel as though there is a bomb just through the wall.

Like many on this list, I grew up with lamp light, Coolgardie coolers, kero fridges, flat irons and petrol irons, to name just a few of the innovations of the time. I have since wasted my share of electricity.

Now I would really like a lot less hysteria and hype, and genuine support for the development of new and diverse technologies. It doesn't have to be doom and gloom.

Comment from AboutSeniors Subscriber - Mike

Re global warming. The climate is changing there's no doubt about that, it always has been and always will because it is a dynamic system. It is such a large & complex system that I doubt mankind's puny efforts can influence it much if at all.

This is not an argument for doing nothing. The problem with the global warming crowd is that they think "if you are not with us you must therefore be against us" ( polarizing opinion is the classic way of all movements, political ,environmental or any other). We simply do not have enough reliable data on which to base decisions of such magnitude as the introduction of an ETS. As some commentator recently said, "if the weather bureau can't forcast the weather next week accurately and the Treasury Dept can't get their estimate of next years surplus correct to within a few million dollars then why should we have any faith in the ability of the combination of these two organisations to accurately predict "global warming and the cost of it's mitigation"

There's heaps of things we can do to reduce our environmental impact. Here's a few: Insulate our houses better, Do not build houses without eaves. Use solar hot water heaters. Walk where possible,don't drive .

Remember in the Middle Ages it was possible to grow grapes in the middlands of England and yet in the 1800 the River Thames in London froze sufficiently to allow the lighting of bonfires on the ice!

Comment from AboutSeniors Subscriber - Dessiefly

After reading your story on solar power ect I agree, Battery technology is not yet mastered and leaves a lot to be desired. Use of tidal power is much more reliable than either wind or solar , and dare I say it Nuclear. We have many harbor and tidal waterway that can be harnessed , and with the right design can produce continues power.

I have done a lot of reading on nuclear power ,and while expensive to build it is safe and reliable provided safe and reliable wast management is used used. I have found that a lot of scare mongering has gone on about nuclear power . Just look at France 78 nuclear power stations an locals are quite happy with them. Hope this intests a few people. [There are a lot of web sites on nuclear power stations and nuclear power . I ask people to do a bit of reading and then make up their minds.


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