McCain/Obama debate

Did anyone out there watch this final debate. I was surprised when McCain admitted when talking about oil, that the decision to depose/eliminate Saddam Hussein to protect the oil, was a step that had to be taken. Not a word about the human atrocities committed by this regime, or the weapons of mass destruction that they were supposedly hiding. This statement is no surprise to the majority of us, I was just surprised that he said it.. Ergo, if a country doesn't have oil, e.g. Zimbabwe and Sudan, the world or in particular, the Americans,don't give a damn how these dictators treat their people.

When I told a friend of mine I would be watching it his comment was "why bother, it's nothing to do with us". I know we can't change the outcome of the american election, but we need to take an interest as THEY are the government who control our financial destiny, get us into pointless wars and expect blind obedience when they call upon our assistance. So, yes we should take an interest and try to make sure our Government represents Australias's interest and not those of the U.S.A.

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Indeed its a stange feeling here and of course worldwide, Biden the Veep predicted someone would try something to test Obama at this time and of course Russia has already done this by moving missiles closer to poland. De Ja Vu of Kruschev and the Cuba crisis with JFK. Only now does Obama get to see privateand secret info and documents which then allows him to make changes to what he THOUGHT he COULD do and now faces the realities of what he CAN or permitted to do. Anyway with all the joy of his win and the drubbing of the republicans there are fears for the future. Obama doesnt actually take control until January so the bail-out of $700 billion is still in the hands of Bush and Paulsen and the question is who is going to make sure its spent in the right places to do most good for the people who are losing their jobs at a frightening rate here. Petrol is being reduced but other items of daily need are getting more expensive, so there are very real everyday concerns. I quite honestly think we are better off in Australia in many ways and the people I speak to are envious of our medical system and the afforability of extra medical services, I know this doesnt apply to everyone in OZ but here things here are worse, the needy can claim medicaid under very strict conditions but you have to pay it back at some time. Same with what we refer to as our dole you can have it for six months then if you get a job you are taxed on it. Standard medical costs for Mr/Mrs/Ms average is about $300 a month add that to rents its scary. So I feel slightly more comfortable the way things are for us even though we find plenty to complain about. I could go on as each day I learn more about life in the USA but this is enough ravin for now.............thanks............Oh BTW to raise axes in New York plastic shopping bags will now cost 6 cents each, one cent for the shop for collecting the five to the government.

Oh BTW to raise axes in New York plastic shopping bags will now cost 6 cents each, one cent for the shop for collecting the five to the government.

[size=4] [color=orange] Which reminds me that the furor over plastic shopping bags that has occured here has not ben mentioned for a while now ..........Some of our shops are using bio degradable ones [/color][/size]

Re Plastic Bags - I think like many other things this has been put into the too hard basket. And of coruse it is a bit of a misnomer as like many others I use the bags to line my kitchen and other rubbish bins - come the levy if ever I would go back to buying the plastic bin bags I used before they came in - rofl............silly idea from a silly greenie - as are most of thier ideas - some okay but most weird and not practicable.

Maternity leave going same way - never did think it was affordable anyway - stupid idea.

Also many other ideas as they are already only 5.4 billion off a deficit. typical Labor cant manage money and this time around - had it shoved right up them by America and its greedy traders and social engineering Democrats of whom Obama is one!


Interesting but scary times loom over the horizon in 2009 and maybe not even waiting for 2009.


roll on Dec 8th before they cahnge their minds..............

[size=5] [color=purple] Yes Val I agree .......will they change their minds do you think [/color][/size]

Not if they value their skins.........or their seats in Parliament come 2010 - mind you.......

they will probably be gone then anyway

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