Learn about the upcoming aged care reforms

The Department of Health is holding a series of webinars to share information about the aged care reforms announced in the Federal Budget and in response to the Aged Care Royal Commission.

These webinars are an opportunity for anyone using or needing aged care, working in aged care or interested in improving aged care in Australia, to learn more about the reforms.

Upcoming webinars will cover:

  • access to culturally safe services and the accessibility of and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in aged care
  • quality of life and care for people living with dementia
  • accessibility of and outcomes for people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds receiving aged care services
  • how the aged care reforms can help to grow a bigger, more highly skilled workforce that can deliver compassionate, safe and high-quality care

Find out more and register for these webinars on the department’s website.

Thousands of people participated in the June webinars that covered residential aged care, information and communication technology (ICT) and home care.

The webinars give you the chance to tell the department how you would like to work together with the aged care sector and the community to implement the reforms.

If you missed these webinars you can go to the department’s website and access the recordings in the  ‘Previous webinars’ section.

Did the reforms announced in the Federal Budget go far enough? What else would you like to see done to improve aged care in Australia?


What do we need to fix Age Care, you ask?

1. Today, sack the current Age Care Minister and remove from the ministry all other previous Age Care Ministers who remain,

2. Demand an early, if not immediate, Federal election, and

3. Finally, dump the Prime Minister and the Treasurer at the next election as they are the primary reason for Age Care failings. 




Couldn't agree more.

Also implement every recommendation from the royal commission. Then form a department that is free from all political influence no matter who is in government on the day. This department would not just do reviews on every aged care facility on a minimum yearly basis but also micro audits their books as well to see that their profit margins aren't for the benefit of shareholders.

Also make all companies to be FULLY Australian owned with NO overseas interests & stop any possible monies from these companies from disappearing overseas.

Make EVERY aged care centre accountable for the wellbeing & health of it's residence.

Morrison is ultimately responsible for aged care as legislated by federal parliament but he just simple points the finger at the states when it goes wrong. spineless & gutless comes to mind






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