Labor Communicatons Tampering.

If Conroy gets his own way, the Internet as we know it will be history. Now Gillard wants to dictate to people what they can and cannot do with their iPhones.
Who authorised these politicians to become censors? Whether Labor, Liberal, Green or otherwise, we live in a Democratic country, not a Dictatorship, and ALL are at fault in many areas of Government.


Where was this stated Gizmo--

As I said some time ago, the Labor Censorship Policy is to introduce

draconian laws, that , on the face of it, are to stop Internet Porn, BUT, if not

altered, would give the Government in power, the means to stop, quite

legally, the publishing of any information whatsoever on an opposition

Political Party. I am not for one moment suggesting that it would happen,

BUT, these proposed laws would pass anything existing in China to-day.

fwed will say immediately that it couldn't happen in our Democracy, BUT,

it is already happening. Go to your local Public Library & see if you can borrow

any books on euthanasia. The proposed laws have been put on hold until

after the election, but they are still there.

I do agree Innes, it is just the thin edge of the wedge for a bigger plan

The major difference between ALP and Liberal/Coalition is [i]individual liberty.[/i]

Quite frankly when I hear people say...ah they're both the same...I cringe, and it gives some idea of why the voting patterns are as they are. I find it deeply disturbing that people don't look past the personalities and really study what the philosophies are. I even heard George Negus who is not known for conservative leanings, say the other night....find out what you're voting for....go on to the Parties websites and read what they stand for. Good advice from an old style real journalist.

The very deep philosophical difference between the two major Parties is stark.


[b]Opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey says the Coalition will not back the Government's proposed internet filter.[/b]

The Government announced the filter two years ago as part of its cyber safety program to protect children from pornography and offensive material.

The plan has been criticised by internet users who claim it will slow download speeds and lead to unwarranted censorship.

Mr Hockey has told triple j Hack's Kate O'Toole that if Labor wins the election the Coalition would not vote in favour of the filter.

"We believe the internet filter will not work and we believe it's flawed policy," he said.


I agree with you Koko, re: the philosophical differences.....but, too many people won't bother to look at the many '''''''''colours'''''''''', all they see is black and white, (for want of a better description), to them, voting is a chore, and in many cases, as you said, they vote for a personality..................



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