Keeping your resolutions

Whether you want to lose weight, stop smoking or save money in 2010, setting achievable goals will ultimately determine your success. But there are a few tips you can follow to make the journey a little easier.

- Build on current friendships
- Lose 5kg over the next 6 months through exercising 3 days a week
- Spend more time with family

- Purchase only Australian made products
- Embrace Buddhist karma
- Convert 90kg's of quivering flesh and flab into ripperling muscle

- Walk every day
- Learn to take great shots with my new camera
- Smell the roses as I spend more time in the garden

If you are inspired to make a resolution for the New Year? Why not share with others!


Some interesting resolutions there. I wish Drew and David the very best in their endeavours.

My New Year resolution is not to make any NY resolutions, because I never fulfil them. LOL LOL @ me...not them.


I don't make any either--I just take it day at a time

Some interesting resolutions there. I wish Drew and David the very best in their endeavours.

My New Year resolution is not to make any NY resolutions, because I never fulfil them. LOL LOL @ me...not them.




And I wish the lads luck in their endevours.....I don't make them anymore because I dont trust myself to follow through

My resolution is to make absolutely sure I succeed with my two resolutions and know the feeling of great success. I will not fail this year for absolutely sure - this is my resolution for 2010.

This time next year I will be telling everyone of my great success.

Phyl :)


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