Just got another reply

Just got another reply - this time from Sen Bob Brown. Seems he's still pushing for another $30 - across the board, for all pensioners, and that the single aged pension should be two thirds of the married pension. As if that is enough! For me, that's not sufficient. My food bill has gone through the roof, the cost of petrol food also. The minimum wage is now almost twice that of a single aged pension. What do they think we live on -- air?? My doctor has just advised me that he will no longer bulk bill - I will have to have $45, up front, before I even get in his door. I'm struggling.


Bev, Senator Fielding of Family First might be a good one to contact. Just a thought.

I really don't think it will matter who I contact. The government has put it's cards on the table - there is an "enquiry" - then, it will go before a "commitee". The end result will probably be that pensioners are a "pain in the rear end". Why should they stuff up our life? I wouldn't expect any result before September 2009. Then I expect that the enquiry and the committee meeting will just say that we've brought it all upon ourselves.

It is dreadful that Drs don't bulk bill all pensioners--mine does--and although--he never really takes any interest and can't get me out quick enough--and I am not happy with him--but I can not afford to go to another that does NOT bulk bill.


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