Just beautiful (to me anyway)

On page 29 Sun/Herald today heading "No Claws for Alarm".
Three beautiful Cheetahs with a dear little Impala.

They caught the little one and pushed it over and looked at it
but let it stand up and the picture has one of the
Big Cheetahs with it's paw on the little one's head.

They had made a kill not long before so let the little
Impala go after spending 15 minutes with it
and in fact friendly to it licking it and treating it gently

I wish all humans were similar and only killed any animal
humanely for food but not for sport.

We have had a lovely morning shopping today,
Hope all are also having a wonderful Thursday.


I had the Sun but not seen that pic. Phyl. I agree fantastic

shot. Such beautiful creatures. I must admit I do not know a lot about

Cheetahs. Are they ordinarily a docile cat I mean for a big wild cat of course.

I saw in the paper they believe there are Black Panthers up in the hills in Victoria.

That was a very lucky impala - great photos Phyl.

It was also in the Daily Mail UK.

Here is the link:


Big hug fwed.........That is just amazing and I am going to get copies

and have them on my walls.

Not everything gives pleasure costs does it.

Peter and I just sat in the Park and fed the ducks again today after

shopping and had our McDonalds Sundae and it was such a

perfect day. The ducks come right up to our feet.

We have the joy of our two

wonderful, beautiful, fantastic, Oriental cats to come home to.

Animals are such a joy. Sure I have to type with one or the other

on my knee (not difficult until they start fighting and both wanting

my knee). Ours are confined to our big house and back

garden so never catch a bird or any wildlife.

Yaretzi I think cheetahs are beautiful but think they can be as wild

as the other big cats. (We have two life size Cheethas made from Fibre Glass)

One laying down big paws looking beautiful and the other standing tall. Also beautiful.

Yes old fashioned now but do we care? nah we love them.

Life's good.


Phyl there is an old doco where a mature lion befriends (I think) a young deer and they were inseparable for a few years until the lion eventually killed and ate the deer.

When they caught up with the lion sometime later the same thing had happened -- she had befriended another deer. Incredible but true apparently.

Perhaps you should look out for vision of the Cheetahs at Monarto Zoo SA where the young girl keeper gets in and plays with them.

Not everything gives pleasure costs does it.

Some of the best things in life are free, the air we breathe, the flora & fauna that surrounds us.

I don't worry if another pensioner gets a dollar more than me or if a refugee gets to watch television but do appreciate every sunrise.

Phyl there is an old doco where a mature lion befriends (I think) a young deer and they were inseparable for a few years until the lion eventually killed and ate the deer.

When they caught up with the lion sometime later the same thing had happened -- she had befriended another deer. Incredible but true apparently.

Perhaps you should look out for vision of the Cheetahs at Monarto Zoo SA where the young girl keeper gets in and plays with them.

Nice story Tanwin and I will look to see the young girl keeper

in with the Cheetahs.

Wish that beautiful Lion and not eaten the young Deer. Animals are animals

and think the way they think.

Thank you.


A very good story Phyl .Those pics were some of the best i have seen.

It goes to show that most wild animals only kill to eat NOT for fun

like some of us humans do.

I know of some very brave hunters who's motto is "If it moves shoot it"

I know of some very brave hunters who's motto is "If it moves shoot it"

And if it dosen't move - then cut it down

If you want to see something cute Phyl have a look at the Water Baby (baby elephant) video, playing in the water with its mother.


Thank you Tanwin. what a beautiful baby. SO cute.

Life is sweet because of our animals

oh and Aldi ;-)


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