I've been away--

Been away for about 3 weeks back now and everything has changed

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Hope you had a nice break Jane.
Yep changed it is - lets hope for the better lol

Nice to see you back here PlanB.

Wondered where you were. :))

The tip was not for a rest, it was because my Son was not well and I had to take him to the Drs a few times as he was unable to see. So was a busy and worrying time, still is.

I am finding this VERY confusing--the way it comes up when you post a reply

Hope things get better , Plan. I'll be thinking of you.

PS. yes it is a little confusing.

Hello folks and a warm greeting from me ......I just hate the cold .......

Plan B, good to see you back, hope your son is OK. Hugs. Things are different but I'm hoping it will be great when all the bugs are ironed out.
I'm with you clay, I hate the cold as well, we like to get up to the warmer climes this time of the year but we are grounded at the moment so have to shiver and bear it :-)

Seggie. Totally frustrated now. After many tries, even to getting a new password, I've been thrown into a 'black hole'. Oh dear. I even tried to find out the 'terms of use' and all I got was there was an error.
I give up.

Dear Seggie - Lovely to see you and you have done
well. We are all muddling along my friend. We are all
here to help each other so just ask and what one knows
may help in some way as does what someone else knows
help them.

Sorry your son is going through a difficult time Jane.
Of course it is a worrying time for you also.
Hope things are improving.

Gosh this is going to take some getting used too,I though my last post did not work and kept pressing post reply now it looks like i have the hiccups lol I hope your son is ok Plan B ,we missed you a lot glad you are backHugs wobbly

Well done Seggie, Geez I'm still trying to get my head around other things I hadn't even thought of the 'terms and conditions' LOL, you have found your way here so well done, keep it up and as Phyl said, ask all the questions you want, someone will be able to help you. The more of us who keep going the easier it will be for others. Cheers

Lol Wobbly, I just had the same thing happen, I kept pressing the reply button as it didn't look like my post had gone, well it had a couple of times, Arrrrh well removed the unwanted ones, all is good now. Think I might go and find myself a joke to post up just to lighten the mood LOL.

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