It is Jane - PlanB's birthday 31st October

Have a lovely day and a great trick or treat night Jane.



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IS PHYL REALLY ZAPOT ??????????????

OR IS ZAPOT REALLY PHYL ????????????????  THEY HAVE THE SAME COMPUTER PROGRAMMES. Just a coincidence or are the 1 in the same???????

I  am sorry Jane, I really don't mean to railroad your HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Icould not find any football players Pics to send on your birthday Plan B. I guess this is the next best thing

What a charmer you are Rosie trying to spoil a members birthday.

Get real.

Blow a bit more smoke Phyl/Zapot

Im sure Jane will have a lovely Birthday ....................REGARDLESS OF MY THOUGHTS .

Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow Jane, best of good wishes

Happy birthday planB , I hope your birhday is an enjoyable day and you have many more.

Happy Birthday Plan B, hope you have a great day......

Wow thanks for all your thoughts--LOL at Zapot (re the football)


How very thoughtful of all of you, bless you all xox

Happy birthday, Plan B.  Have a great day.

Nearing the time I come decorate your house for Christmas Jane.

Hope that gun is not loaded lol

: )) @ Phyl

Happy birthday Plan-B. you were lucky ,

you just scraped into October.

Yep Seth the day the witches ride too--; )

Aye to be sure October is a great month to have a birthday us well balanced folk :)

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