I feel I was used

A week or so ago, my neighbours car broke down - it was in the repair shop for eight days. So I did the neighbourly thing - drove the daughter to work, drove the Mum to her job, and took them shopping. We do live in an area that has no public tranport. They, like me are pensioners. It cost me more than usually pay for petrol, but they did give me $10 out of their pension this week. I was OK with that - they've had very expensive car repair bills. That was until this morning - there was a very new, very expensive car sitting in their driveway. The daughter had just bought it. OK she borrowed money to do it, but she DOESN"T EVEN HAVE A DRIVER"S LICENCE!!!!!!!!! I now feel that my trust has been abused. I can't even aford to update from an 1986 model. Never again, though I do believe that they owe me a trip or two, if my car breaks down. I'm not really happy.


There could be another way of looking at it.

You will not have to use more petrol driving them around any more.

Be happy knowing that you helped someone even if the outcome is not to your liking.

Personally, I thought that was very kind of you.


[color=purple][/color][size=3]I would have been gobsmacked also, and can understand your feelings, BevG. What a shame. But Gerry O is right. It's tempting to think revenge and nasty thoughts.

But I would rather be me and not them.

A dear old friend of mine used to say, let's not bring ourselves down to their level. Wise words.[/size]

It's OK - I'm not dwelling on it, just that I did, at the time feel just that bit annoyed. Never mind - what happened last week, happened last week. Nothing to do but accept that it happened and learn from the experience.

Don't be bitter Bev. You a good neighbour to have, offering to assist. They may have felt a bit humble in receiving your help and $10 from their pension would have been a lot to them..Never know, you may be 'paid in kind ' with a unexpected dash in that- flash new car -in your time of need.

Hi Bev, that was a nice thing to do, regardless of whether they were using you or not. I do wonder about these people, though if you drove both the mother and daughter to work, how come they are on the pension?

Hey Bev, How about feeling sorry for these people, they will need your help when the Pension Police catch up with them. Both working?........WELLL! Your good deed may be their undoing. Do they know about this Seniors Website.? We do good deeds sometimes but very rarely are they appreciated.

How about the Guys who dived into the Nerang river and rescued a drowning man last week.?

After cutting his feet to ribbons on the rocks, one HERO was sacked the next day because he could not go to work.

So do not feel too used. How do think that man feels after saving a life?

I was wndering how they are on the pension and both working also.

$10 was a bit lousy for petrol to someone driving them for 8 days.

But I would feel sorry for anyone very short of money going into big debt for a new car as I would hate that hanging around my neck. I suppose we have to just worry about our own finances and what we, have, as it is their business but they should not be mean and also should not route the system if both working and receiving pensions.

They will probably as you have said get found out now.

All the best


The story is that Dad is on a disability pension, Mum has a cleaning job, - once a week, that earns her $30, but on the wife's pension, the daughter works. I've only just realised that they've been using me. I'm a bit slow!! When I was a smoker - about 6 or 8 months ago now, they would come down the driveway when I came home, asking for one of my smokes. Being - then - a smoker, I knew just how they felt, so I would give them one or two - just enough to carry them through to the next day, which of course was pension day. It's hard to be a person who cares about others, but not feel abused when you see what has happened. Oh well, I guess Christian attitude is not quite the same as it used to be. Bye the way, I haven't yet been offered a ride in the new, you beaut car! Not to worry - I can still walk the 3k needed to get to the nearest school bus, so I guess I'm winning! I'm happy with what I've done - I believe I did the right thing - at the time.

Hey maybe she won the car! And if she does not have a license who is going to be driving it? Interesting times ahead !!


Don't feel bad you will get your reward - what goes around - comes around. :)



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