I am treating it

I am treating the $1400 I will receive as amost the $30 per week payment everyone seems to have been pushing for. I won't go out and spend it all in the one shop - I won't be boosting the economy for one month. I will use it very carefully, making sure, that until I get a rise in my basic pension I have just about enough to live on each week.


Good on you Bev, that's being smart about it. It will be nice to have a feelig of security for a while.

good for you Bev. If i receive the bonus i will be paying my rates with it. I will not be wasting it on the pokies or Plasma T>V> like most people think us elderly will do.

Good thinking girls ............It will be nice to have it as an extra for a special day or in an emergency ..........well done

[color=purple][size=4]It certainly IS good thinking not to spend it all at once.

But I hope you all buy just one nice little thing for yourselves......

Maybe go out for a nice meal???[/size][/color]


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