How to make friends as a grown man

Today, being International Men's Day, I thought I'd post some men's interest threads on the Meeting Place. This one is an informative (in a blokey way) video on how to make friends as a grown man. It's from one of my favourite news / lifestyle media outlets VICE, and it's been filmed in collaboration with Movember Australia. 

What did you think of the video? Does this reflect your experiences in making friends? Do you have any suggestions for fellas looking to make some new mates?


Do the men on here (YLC) have nothing to say about "man" stuff?

The "char(actors)" in this video mean well (I think), but overall it's about as informative as instructions for a little kid on how to play with a ball. If you need or want friends you will naturally seek them out and draw people of a similar ilk to you, without having to beat your "macho" drum, swagger like John Wayne, or put loneliness ads into "Guns & Ammo" magazine. See a doctor if you are depressed or anxious before "seeking" friendships if it's friends you want, and not "carers".

And, Robi, there are few comments here because this is a "touchy" subject to most guys because of the "omertà" which is part of the territory with the topic. Why don't you make a remark or two and maybe a few others will break from cover?

Leon, put up this very  worthwhile thread but there were only two replies. That's a real shame since there are a few men on this forum who would benefit greatly from discussion on this topic. The reason I say this is  because some of the behaviour seen here, makes me believe some people on this forum do not  have many friends in real life and that's why they find it difficult to relate to people on a forum. The saddest part is, they  have come to accept their behaviour and see nothing wrong with it. Just my opinion.

Yes Ray....I agree with your view. In my work I have always found it's men who have the greatest difficulty in making friends in later life. Perhaps...unlike find it difficult to open up about their problems. Of course... there are the lucky few who have managed to maintain some of their high school or university friends. Even so...maintaining friendships take some work and it certainly is  a two way avenue. What you put what you get out..



Friendship like most things is a variable and very hard to define. Some may see a person as a friend but this is not reciprocated by the other party.

Some friends are 'friends lite', good company helpful etc. Others go deeper and then there are those that have your back, who are there when things get really untidy, who will actually risk their neck for you, a bit hard to find.

Numbers do not count, one of the latter mentioned is friends enough but a few lesser friends can always be useful when you need to bite someone for a quid or you are moving house and need an extra back to lift the furniture.

If a bloke needs to spill his guts because things are not travelling too well a good dog will listen to your woes as well as any person.

What it comes down to is you do not know who your true friends are until the chips are down.

I have a number of friends, some I cannot stand but then there is always the  dog to talk to in times of need, plus he is a cheap drunk and does not put the bite on me, in money terms anyway..

Take it easy.





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