How growing ginger at home isn’t that hard …

growing ginger

Step 1: Soak Your Ginger
Many ginger roots sold commercially are coated with a growth inhibitor, which prevent them from sprouting in the grocery store (even organic ones). So, your first step after buying your ginger is to let it soak in water for 24 hours before slicing it up to plant.

Step 2: Look For Growth Buds
Look for pieces with well developed “eyes” or growth buds. (The buds look like little horns at the end of a piece or “finger”).

ginger root 

The indentations on the surface of the root is where the sprout will grow.

If the ginger you have doesn’t have any, you can even encourage them to do so by leaving them near a windowsill before you plant. (This just takes a few days)

Step 3: Choose a Wide Container
Because ginger’s roots grow horizontally, the width of your container will be more important than the depth. Once you’ve decided on what kind of container you’ll use, proceed to filling it with a rich potting soil that will drain well.

Step 4: Plant Your Ginger
Select pieces of the ginger knob that have “eyes” on them. Place the piece of ginger with the eyes facing up into the soil, and cover with about and inch and a half of soil.

How To Care For Your Ginger Plant
Place your ginger plant in indirect sunlight, somewhat warm. No wind or direct sun. This is why ginger makes such a great indoor grower. Soil should be damp at all times but not soggy, so water regularly. You can probably get a couple roots to grow nicely in a single twelve-inch container; they can grow to around 2 feet tall indoors.

After about eight months, your ginger plant will be mature. At that point, you can separate the rhizomes by pulling off a section of the plant including a piece of the rhizome. Transplanting is as easy as setting that rhizome into a new container of soil. Ginger is an easy root to share with a friend.

How To Harvest Ginger
Although the ginger plant may take many months to mature, you can harvest ginger when the plant is three or four months old.

When you push away the soil from around the rhizome, you’ll notice that ginger rhizomes look knobby. You will also see roots reaching outward and downward from the rhizome. The rhizome is the edible portion of ginger. The roots can be cleaned off as you clean the rhizome to eat.

To enjoy a bit of ginger, simply uncover a piece of rhizome, and trim off one of the finger-like extensions. You can harvest ginger in this manner anytime you wish. However, you may find that you love it so much that you’ll need more than one rhizome planted at a time. You can alternate snipping from your plants if you grow more than one.

Before you eat ginger, you should rinse it and peel the skin off with a potato peeler. Then, enjoy your ginger freshly sliced or grated. Or, dry your ginger by slicing it paper thin and setting it on a baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in an oven or outside in a dry, sunny location. Ginger may take several hours or several days to dry. When it’s completely dried, it can safely be stored in plastic bags. You can also grate your dried ginger with a coffee grinder.



Thanks for that Sandi, I love ginger but never thought of growing it myself...

Thanks lots Sandi. Tried growing Ginger years back but failed big time. What I thought was Ginger from the nursery, turned out to be Galangal. Beautiful tropical plant, went totally mad and after 10 years still dominates the back corner of my veggie patch. Roots tough as all get out but very strong flavour. Son digs them up occasionally. I cut ‘em back.

Galangal (Alpinia galanga) is a member of the ginger family and forms a clump of leafy stems up to 2 metres tall … yeh, right, a monster in the making where I am.

I love fresh ginger and hopefully will follow your tips with far more success than my last attempt.

:) Fingers crossed.

I just grew the ginger in one of my big tubs.  It's lovely to have it nice and fresh.

So must start again now for you will notice in shops that the ginger is new and will have the bud pieces growing . The young bits are best to grow.


the cheap supermarket garlic now all comes from China grown with banned chemicals

 Not sure where the ginger is sourced from

if you can grow it at home , all the better 

Garlic is easy to grow.  You just take a bulb and stick each separate piece in the ground.  May June are the best times for planting Garlic in Adelaide.

Yes Raph, I get mine from the Farmer's market.

You can always tell whether Garlic is from Australia by looking at the base of the plant.  If there are no dried roots on the bottom it is Chinese Garlic.  They can not import it with dried roots on it.

I want to go down to Mt Gambier to the market there, to get some Elephant Garlic to put in.

There's an old lady down there who has it growing and she sells it at the market to get a bit of spare money to spend.  She reminds me of an old gypsy lady.

love the stuff but so do the grasshoppers. plague proportions.

only thing i can find to get rid of them says dont use on anything you are going to eat.

 any tips?

Hi Plodder, Welcome to this forum.

Unfortunately I don't have this problem but you might find some ideas here



Thank you for this. I always wondered if the ginger we occasionally see in old gardens around Hobart is the edible kind and if it reaches the same strength as that grown in the tropics/ humid areas?


Hi Wombat (one of my favourite native animals) also welcome to this forum.

Just buy a piece of Ginger from your local fruit shop or Farmer's Market.

I love having fresh Ginger growing in the garden.  You do need quite a few plants though to keep the supply up.

Here's a recipe for you too Turmeric Ginger Lemonade [Cotter Crunch]

chinese ginger from supermarkets can contain a virus which spreads quickly.  when you cut the ginger root there is a blackish ring just inside the flesh.  don't plant this as it will infect our own gingers.

chinese ginger is also notorious for it use of highly toxic chemicals.  a quick internet search will reveal all.

you can buy different types of good ginger from this firm, who i know personally.  they have an excellent reputation.  all their plants and seed can be ordered over the internet.



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