How to correctly adjust your rearview mirrors

image of the road in a rearview mirror

Do you have neck problems that prevent you from effectively seeing blind spots? Have you had a couple of close calls when driving, that could have been prevented were you able to see better? Here's a quick video that shows you how to correctly adjust your rearview mirrors, so you can eliminate blind spots and have more visual coverage of the road and surrounding traffic.


That video is from US with a right hand drive

Does the same apply downunder ?

You would think in this day and age and modern technology that the reverse mirror would encompass the whole of the rear instead of having to shift your eye focus concentration shifting it in the three positions.

Yes it does Abby. :)

All my mirrors are adjusted properly. Yesterday almost had a prang with another car as he changed lanes without checking his mirrors, I'm sure. I gave him a blast with the car horn and he gave me the finger. Jeez there are some idots on the road and he was displaying a green P plate. 

My new car gives warnings via a beep, beep, beep system when overtaking, parking, reversing or anything beyond the normal. Despite that and having deep misgivings about the joys of technology after many years in the 'tech game' I still check my actual visibles in the rear/side view mirrors.

A sign of old age I guess ... don't trust anyone ... let your eyes do the deciding. Comes in handy on occasion but no replacement for a good look and an element of caution IMHO.

PS: The beep, beeps just cannot cope with the plantings beside my driveway ... drives me nuts.

I got my licence 40 years ago and I can still remember my instructor telling me to never trust another car's signals when they are turning, left or right, slow down and wait to see which way they are going. This has helped in many situations.


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