How Much Board should I ask My Adult Child to Pay?

I have an adult child living at home on a pension.

I am at retirement age, still working full time and am single. I don't have a great deal of super behind me, therefore my retirement will be delayed, although I would like to cut back on my hours in the near future.

My son will probably be permanently living with me, therefore I would like to know what would be considered a reasonable amount for board, for someone on a limited income. 

He is currently working a few hours per week, but is unable to handle more.

He is currently paying $200 a fortnight for board.

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A single pension isn't too bad at all if you are living with a parent: no rent, no margage payments. Your adult child should be paying his/her way, sharing costs with you:food electricity, etc etc. That's what a pension is for. I suggest you sit down and work out your costs over a period of, say a month. If he his going to be living with you for the rest of your life, you certainly don't want to be supporting an adult financially when your on a pension yourself.

As I'm finding out myself, our adult children come home and want to be treated in as adults, except when it come to finances, then they want parents supporting them as if they were still teenages.

FAstforward,  your Son needs to have to pay his way --even if you were able to afford to keep him, people that do this -- keep there kids -- do them NO favours as they grow up not having ANY idea as to how to look after their own money -- so yes you do have to work out that he pays his share, do not feel guilty as you will be doing him a favour.


Good luck and hope all goes well

My stepdaughter used to pay 1/3 of her wages  for board    1/3  to bank  and 1/3 for herself   that worked  

$200 a fortnight does not seem enough to me .  Sit down with your son and show him all your expenses;  water, power, electricity, food.  Work out how much it costs you and tell him that he will need to contribute more.

Are you doing all the cooking and ironing as well?

No son or daughter will move out if parents make it too comfortable for them. 

Radish you're right. In the future there will also be household items to replace. So $100 won't cover those costs.

JesseJ, I was thinking about a 1/3 of their wage as well.  I believe that is fair.

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