How do you make pork crackling crackle?

How do you do pork crackling? Winter roast season is on us and warming up the house with a weekend roast is a must.

I’m lazy, I cut off the crackling at the end of the cooking time and put it under the griller. My late father-in-law always made perfect crackling and said all he did was pour white vinegar over it, I tried it and it was a colossal fail.

There’s this extensive guide or some people simply put salt on.

What’s your secret and who makes the best pork crackling in your life?


Cut the fat where you want the crackle with a sharp knife about 2.5 cm, deep.  Rub the fat with vinegar, apply salt and put the pork into a 220-degrees C. oven for 20 minutes. Turn the oven back to 180 -degrees C. allow the pork to roast for 30 minutes for every 500 grams weight.

Result.  Beautiful crackle and tasty pork roast.


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