Hot dog

I've had a fairly exhausting morning. Not that I've done much. Just took my dog for a walk. We were joined by a very exuberant Jack Russell puppy. He zoomed in about 10 minutes into our walk. He leapt over, under, and around her, dashed off, then back.

My dog accepted that he was a puppy, and put up with his silly antics.

I told him to "go home" - several times, but he found us very exciting to be around.

He'd gone on his merry way when we approached home, but when I opened the front door, he suddenly re-appeared - dashed into the house before us!

That's when the fun started.

He wasn't about to be caught.

Went tearing around the house, bounding on and off lounge chairs, under and over beds, and anything else he could find to leap on, off, or under.

Eventually, after I got my dog to stop chasing him, around through and under, I got hold of her and put her in the garage.

Then I just had to catch the little beast.

It wasn't easy!

I eventually got him, after sacrificing some of the mince I had used to lure him out from under my bed.

He was such a slippery little character - wriggled out of my arms twice, before I finally managed to get a good hold on the scruff of his neck.

I can tell you, I just bundled him out the door as quick as I could. He wasn't wearing any sort of collar, so there's no way I could have notified his owners that I had him.

He took off into the next door neighbours yard - running riot in there, until he finally got caught by their cat!

A few circuits round the yard, just trying to avoid the cat's claws, and he was off again.

Haven't seen him since, and I really hope that I don't!

Whew! What a morning!


Thats funny Bev and now that he knows where you live and what you do he will probably lay in wait ...........LOL..........especially for some more mince


Good grief - I hope not! Too much excitement for one day! Bedsides which, I've made spag bol with the rest of the mince.

He would probably like a taste of that too ............Its my faourite also...........LOL



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