Hi all - I intend sending the following to a number of politicians from both sides of the fence. However, I need some credible media email address to copy this to. Most sites come up with a contact form rather than the email address, which defeats the purpose of letting these politicians understand we are going to spread the word and not go away. Your assistance would be much appreciated. I have ABC News and ACA so far.

Shame on you. To ignore senior pensioners as you are is an absolute disgrace. To use the excuse that the Liberals did nothing in 12 years does not wash. We are talking about NOW. Many of you have admitted that you could not survive on the pension, but words are cheap, stop talking and do something. The sudden focus switch to paid maternity leave is a slap in the face for those of us who raised and cared for our children without the benefit of a baby bonus, subsidized child care and paid maternity leave. Many women stayed home and nurtured their family, and budgeted accordingly. We did not have the benefit of compulsory superannuation and for the most part our income was spent on giving our children a good education and paying off our home. We were not continually harassing the government for assistance to achieve this.

Separate the retirees and disabled from the younger generation who either don’t or wont work, and treat the two groups individually. Encourage the working age people to earn a living and introduce national service. So many of these people have not substantially contributed to society by way of taxes and therefore have not earned the right to a pension.

We want ACTION not WORDS.


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